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Elliot Jordan’s Avatar

Elliot Jordan

Web Developer
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Indianapolis, Indiana
70 Answers
60109 Reads
121 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan 11 hours ago 164 views

what are some things you wish you knew before starting you're trade?

i am looking into welding as a trade after taking a compatibility exam ive found im supposedly more suited for computer and finance an am looking for insight on the matter

klaus’s Avatar
klaus May 30 1049 views

what should i do to become best computer guru?

Im just curious to know almost everything in computer field.

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 19 241 views

What should I do to get colleges to notice me?

I've been wondering this recently, I've joined a few clubs as a way of community service, I have good grades, and I was thinking that I could submit some sort of music audition to get in, but I feel like there's more I can do.

Liad’s Avatar
Liad Apr 25 374 views

As a computer engineer, when you have an idea, how do you make sure nobody takes it and uses it as their own?

As a computer engineer, when you have an idea, how do you make sure nobody takes it and uses it as their own?

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Apr 09 418 views

Why shouldi learn web development?

Websites developer

Jaylynn’s Avatar
Jaylynn Apr 01 490 views

Could you describe one of your typical workdays?

What are some of the different things you usually do throughout the day ? Do you feel like this role gets intense sometimes? What is your go-to strategy if your stuck somewhere on something?

Linda’s Avatar
Linda Mar 29 376 views

How can I start a job as a kid ?

I want to work

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Mar 18 813 views

How do I become a great computer scientist?

How do I become a great computer scientist and how do I make sure I am the best at what I do....
I have been coding before but how do I make sure my codes are the best codes

Partrick’s Avatar
Partrick Mar 10 514 views

What time do i need to start work ?

How can i overcome challenges

cruz’s Avatar
cruz Feb 28 284 views

How can I bring humor to my job as a computer builder?

I am 14 years old and want to become a computer builder but I want to become funny for my clients in the future.

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Feb 21 899 views

How do I get started learning about technology?

Im in 10th grade. I am a beginner in this and open to taking summer classes. I think i would do better learning with a teacher/tutor rather watching videos on my own, but I will also try that, just wondering where I should start first!

Devran’s Avatar
Devran Oct 20, 2023 427 views

What is the best type of business to start after dropping out of school??

8th grade.
Currently learning Web Development full stack.

Bella’s Avatar
Bella Oct 15, 2023 1309 views

How hard is the schooling to be a graphic designer?

Is it mostly art classes, or are there other mathy or sciency classes you need other than the core classes?

Angel’s Avatar
Angel Oct 16, 2023 4631 views

Does it matter where you get your college degree from, if you wanna work at a big tech company?

I’m a senior in high school and I want to study computer science to become a programmer, the thing is that college is can be sort of expensive, I wanted to go out of state to a tech school but it is kind of pricey, the thing is that a college near me offers a computer science program as well...

S’s Avatar
S Jul 27, 2023 423 views

C Language choice

Hey there, I currently do web-developing im kind of new to this I learned front end and probably will start learning back-end aswell with C# not sure if it’s great to start off with that or no.