8 answers
8 answers
Temitayo’s Answer
As an educationist and human manager, I believe so much in what is within and then outside, my biggest motivation comes from within our not out within. I am always motivated by purpose and passion in life. My purpose and passion keeps me going even when things are rough. Secondly, I am always motivated by successful people who doesn’t got there in a day but passed though thick and rough life and yet became great. If they can do, I can also do it. I see situation as an opportunity in life and I take hold of everything and learn. Life in itself is a motivator for the wise and brave. Get motivation from within and then outside. Thanks
Elizabeth’s Answer
Everyone is different. Here are some things that motivate people:
1. Money
2. Praise
3. Making a possitive difference in someone's life
4. Learning a new skill
5. Taking pride in your work
6. Being respected by your peers or staff
For me it was a balance of making people happy while not allowing myself to be too generous and be taken advantage of, pride in my work, making money.
1. Money
2. Praise
3. Making a possitive difference in someone's life
4. Learning a new skill
5. Taking pride in your work
6. Being respected by your peers or staff
For me it was a balance of making people happy while not allowing myself to be too generous and be taken advantage of, pride in my work, making money.
Maeve’s Answer, CareerVillage.org Team
"This answer was written on behalf of an intern group at Cloudera."
1. Saving a treat for the end of the month/day/week or rewarding yourself with a treat after you finish a big accomplishment at work.
2. Whenever you need to power through what you are going through, try and keep an "end goal" or "big goal" in mind. For example, a goal could be celebrating finishing your AP exams at the end of the year. Thinking about this could really help motivate you when you're feeling tired.
3. Ask yourself, "How will this task affect my future self?" This will help you to focus on why your work benefits you.
4. Think about the people who want you to succeed and are rooting for you.
1. Saving a treat for the end of the month/day/week or rewarding yourself with a treat after you finish a big accomplishment at work.
2. Whenever you need to power through what you are going through, try and keep an "end goal" or "big goal" in mind. For example, a goal could be celebrating finishing your AP exams at the end of the year. Thinking about this could really help motivate you when you're feeling tired.
3. Ask yourself, "How will this task affect my future self?" This will help you to focus on why your work benefits you.
4. Think about the people who want you to succeed and are rooting for you.
Stephanie’s Answer
These answers are being submitted on behalf of a group of student interns at Cloudera:
What keeps me motivated is the goal at the end and working towards something I value. And recognizing that each thing I work on every day is a step towards the end goal.
What keeps me motivated is the goal at the end and working towards something I value. And recognizing that each thing I work on every day is a step towards the end goal.
Iyanna’s Answer
1. My family
2. Passion to learn
3. Compensation
4. Recognition
5. Making a difference
6. Beating the odds
2. Passion to learn
3. Compensation
4. Recognition
5. Making a difference
6. Beating the odds
Cayla’s Answer
Great Question! Motivation is not so much what we want to turn to when we need that push to do something. Instead, use Discipline.
To be motivated, you have to have a strong reason to act or accomplish something.
If humans operated based off of just motivation, mass majority of us would barely accomplish anything. Instead focus on discipline.
Discipline will build the muscle memory needed to complete something that you want or need to get done. The best way to accomplish goals and get things done is to train your mind and build muscle memory in taking that extra step to just do it.
If you feel a lack of motivation, you first want to recognize it and put into action what you’re going to do differently this time.
If it’s something physical, live by the terms “just get up and do it”
(I.e) Dishes have been in the sink for the past 3 days, but you just can’t find the reason or motivation to get up and do it.
Instead of thinking about how much you don’t feel like completing the task at hand, (this is the Discipline) Just stand up and walk to the kitchen. No second thoughts. Those thoughts often take us to a place of excuses and reasons as to why we shouldn’t do something.
To be motivated, you have to have a strong reason to act or accomplish something.
If humans operated based off of just motivation, mass majority of us would barely accomplish anything. Instead focus on discipline.
Discipline will build the muscle memory needed to complete something that you want or need to get done. The best way to accomplish goals and get things done is to train your mind and build muscle memory in taking that extra step to just do it.
Cayla recommends the following next steps:
Leonor’s Answer
I truly believe you won't find motivation externally that is why it's so important to find purpose at work.
My advise is if you are seeking for someone or something to motive you to be able to fulfill your work hours you should instead seek for purpose.
I recently learned a new concept that I would like to share:
“Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life; the convergence of four areas of life: what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for."
That concept cautivated me and it holds true at my work: I have a role that I love, I'm good at, it has great purpose and I get paid for it... hence
I'm so motivated that my problem is workaholism, in other words, I never have a problem to fulfill work hours... instead I have to be careful to ensure I can find work/life balance.
if you look too much at the clock to see how much of hours are left to finish, you must initiate the quest of ikigai
dont be afraid to exit your comfort zone
look for purpose, study your profile and your brand: what are you really good at? what do you love doing?
dont be afraid to change
don't assume you need to meet 100% of requirements to apply, dare to apply and don't give up the quest until you find ikigai!
My advise is if you are seeking for someone or something to motive you to be able to fulfill your work hours you should instead seek for purpose.
I recently learned a new concept that I would like to share:
“Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life; the convergence of four areas of life: what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for."
That concept cautivated me and it holds true at my work: I have a role that I love, I'm good at, it has great purpose and I get paid for it... hence
I'm so motivated that my problem is workaholism, in other words, I never have a problem to fulfill work hours... instead I have to be careful to ensure I can find work/life balance.
Leonor recommends the following next steps:
Armani’s Answer
As a marine sometimes it is challenging to find the motivation to keep striving to be the best. For me I look to my friends to my left and too my right and realize I am not going through this struggle alone. I go to work everyday with a smile on my face and motivation to try to uplift the others around me. For everyone it is different but you have to figure out what it is that will motivate you whether it be a close friend or family or maybe even a goal you have or something you want to obtain if you have any other questions feel free to ask again.