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What is the best advice for a beginner business woman.

I am an educational student. But I interested about business for my future. So, I want some best advice for me to success. #business #entrepreneur #business-management #management

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Doc’s Answer

Khin some characteristics of successful women in business are natural, but some require hard work and dedication in order to learn fully. In order to become a truly successful business leader it is important to keep in mind that achieving success is not going to be easy but in the end it will be worth it. Here are some of the steps that savvy business leaders say you should follow in order to be successful.

1. FOCOUS ON YOUR PASSION – It is always important to remember that in order to be successful you have to love what you are doing. Find a way to turn your passion into a useful tool that can help your work stand out and set you apart from others in your field. If you admire someone in your field reach out to them and see if they can help you learn the ropes. Learn how their passion has progressed their career and see how it can progress yours as well. Believe in your own ideas, if you can’t sell them to your colleagues, your employer won’t want them either. So if you have an idea burning in your belly sell it with conviction and show others how passionate you are about it.

2. CREAT A BUSINESS PLAN – It is always a good idea to write down your goals in order to make yourself more accountable for them. Once you write them down, come up with steps that you are going to take in order to achieve them. Of course your plans may change but it is important to have a starting point so that you can visualize the path that you are going to take. Make sure to set both short and long -term goals. A goal such as attending a network event can seem simple and short but it will set you up for success when reaching some of your long-term goals.

3. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE – You need to understand that you don’t start at the top; you have to work your way there. Approach each job and task you have as a learning opportunity and make sure you get the most out of it. Understand that things take time and take that time to learn and grow so when your time comes you are fully prepared to be successful. If you want to succeed it’s important to look into the company and understand everyone’s roles. Being self-sufficient is a great quality but if you know and value your team then when you climb the ladder you’ll have a greater appreciation for those on the office floor.

4. BE WILLING TO TAKE RISKS – Be bold, take some risks that you might not normally take. If you know what you want, take the leap and follow your passion. If you are stuck in a dead-end job and are not following what you truly want to do, find a new job. Being successful means you will have to make some hard choices and make some bold moves in order to really set yourself apart. The risk is normally worth the reward. Getting too attached to your workplace can hold you back from other opportunities, they may be the best people you’ve ever worked with, and if that’s true, you can still meet up outside of work.

5. STAY THE COURSE – Surround yourself with a group of positive people with positive thoughts. Things are not always going to be easy but try taking different approaches when it comes to success. Of course with anything you are going to run into failure, but you need to stick with it and understand that the successes are going to be worth it. Sometimes you need to put your foot down and say no. Unfortunately, you will be taken for granted if people think you won’t stand up for yourself, don’t go overboard but be aware that if you think you’re being treated unfairly, you should stand up and say so.

Being a successful business woman means you have to constantly push yourself beyond your comfort zone Khin, take risks and be fearless in pursuit of your goals. Each individual success will increase your confidence and encourage you to strive for more. Be strong, confident and brave and you will soon reap the rewards.

Hope this was Helpful Khin Yadanar

Doc recommends the following next steps:

Know your worth and demand what you deserve. Nobody else will speak for you, so be confident and know that the language of business is sometimes tough!
Build relationships. Being friendly and cheerful towards the people you’ve worked with may come in handy one day. Who knows when you might need to ask one of them for a favour or rely on a connection you’ve made? If they’re already friendly towards you then they’ll be more likely to help you out.
Study the people around you. Seeing how your colleagues do things will help you learn new approaches, and widen your perspective of how things are done in the office.
Don’t chase money. In your early years, chasing money might land you in the wrong career in the long run. It’s better to work your way up and have an end goal in sight, know that you might not be earning big money when you’re young, but the work will be worth it!
Don’t expect to be praised. As long as you know your own worth you’ll be okay. In the corporate environment, nobody is going to hold your hand or praise you for all the little things you do. Knowing your worth is crucial to being confident and independent in the workplace.
Thank you comment icon Thanks, can't wait to put this advice into action! Samuel
Thank you comment icon John, thank you! Paul
Thank you comment icon Useful response Malini Rao
Thank you comment icon You Welcome Malini. Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Thank You Valerie. “Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.” – Seneca Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Thank You Laura. “Even if you just change one life, you’ve changed the world forever.” – Mike Satterfield Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Good advice! Kris Lee
Thank you comment icon Thank You Kris. Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much. Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Thank You Marla. “Our generation has the ability and the responsibility to make our ever-more connected world a more hopeful, stable and peaceful place.” — Natalie Portman Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Thank You Anne. “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” – Albert Pike Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Thank You Monika. “Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.” – Erma Bombeck Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Focus on the passion and have a plan is very important as mentioned above GANGA SIVARAMASUBRAMANIAN
Thank you comment icon Than You Ganga. Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much. Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Thank You Danyel. “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” – Herman Melville Doc Frick
Thank you comment icon Great advice! Emily Street
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Amanda’s Answer

Look for female role models in the field you're interested in and try to learn more about their career path. There can be different challenges for women in various industries so learning more about what those challenges are can prepare you to handle them. If you are interested in any kind of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields, check out the Society for Women Engineers. Even if you don't join, they post really valuable resources that can help you learn more. Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Amanda Khin Yadanar
Thank you comment icon Good response Malini Rao
Thank you comment icon great answer and STEM is a great place for women Adele Suttle
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Kaitlyn’s Answer

Hi there! This is my personal advice from my experiences, take it with a grain of salt as it is simply that! As a woman pursuing finance, specifically investment banking, I am typically outnumbered by men. Although the numbers are improving, the percentage of women in wealth management and investment banking are largely disproportionate to the number of women qualified for these jobs. Some simple things I've learned in school and in work have helped me to overcome barriers and challenges I've faced as a women in a predominantly male field include....

-Educating yourself as much as possible - Read, read, read! This is the number one thing you can do, in my opinion. People may underestimate you or they may not. However, if you are educated, creative, and intellectually curious, you will be able to quickly prove your worth to anyone who may doubt you. You can always improve yourself by being open to continued learning. Read books, sign up for the Wall Street Journal and read the headlines each day, watch the market and make observations, the possibilities are endless.

-Do not allow yourself to be soft-spoken or people will speak over you - Leaving high school, I was terrified of public speaking and hated giving speeches, presentations, reports, all of it. Do yourself a favor and do anything you can to get more comfortable with it now, in business you WILL be presenting constantly. I am still working strategically to improve my professional communication abilities through webinars, development sessions, and groups such as Toastmasters. Even if this doesn't come naturally to you, you can absolutely develop this skill set. If you allow yourself to be spoken over, people will inadvertently do so. Be sure of yourself and confident and stand your ground when necessary!

-Pursue every possible opportunity you can to improve yourself both personally and professionally! Any online courses, certifications, programs, etc, that are offered to you, take advantage of them! No skill is a bad skill and you never know what small skill or detail might differentiate you to an employer. Play upon your unique skills and experiences and use them to your advantage, whatever they may be!
Thank you comment icon Your advice was so helpful! Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Paul
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Linda’s Answer

I am so glad to hear you want to be an entrepreneurial woman. There are endless opportunities available to help you succeed, but you have to do your homework well before venturing into it.

First, you need to decide which area you want to focus. It could be based on several reasons, for example, either something you have a passion or a desire to impact society. Whatever the reason, you need your vision and mission. These will drive and shape the success of your business.

When you know what you desire to do and the industry, it very important to learn and study for it. Learning does not necessarily have to be formal education but on-job training, mentorship, webinars, conferences, etc. this will enable you to learn more about required technologies, certification, players in the market (Suppliers, consumers, distribution channels, etc.).

Financing is also essential. A lot of the states and cities have funding for small businesses, and you can know more but joining small business groups. You will have to understand how to manage your finances and operation of small business. Take management courses while in school to learn basic financial management.

I hope this helps and i wish you the best of luck.
Thank you comment icon I am really grateful you took the time to answer this question. Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice. Paul
Thank you comment icon Focus with purpose is the key! Lisa Woodward Clark
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Tammy’s Answer

Look for someone that can mentor you or someone that is doing what you want to do and network with them.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Paul
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Heidi’s Answer

Hi Khin,

There are many things you can do to prepare yourself for your career in business.

- Be confident in who you are and what you bring to the table.
- Know your worth, hold your head up high.
- Don't apologize for who you are.
- Don't be insecure (easier said than done!)
- Find a mentor or role model in your industry to talk to.
- Take some business classes, branch out and learn new things.
- Brush up on business skills, technology, software, excel, PowerPoint, etc.
- Don't be afraid to try new things, and if they don't work out, it's not failure - learning experiences are always good.
- Dress for the job that you want. Get a great fitting suit and heels, you'll need it!
- Always greet new people with a smile, look them in the eyes, introduce yourself (first and last name), and give a firm handshake.
- Remember that there is ALWAYS a solution, even if things seem impossible.
- Network and keep in touch with people. These people will likely be the ones recommending you for a job in the future.
- Be active on LinkedIn, expand and polish your profile, share articles.

Good luck and wishing you success in your future!
Thank you comment icon Your advice was so helpful! Samuel
Thank you comment icon I appreciate you taking the time to answer this. Paul
Thank you comment icon Great advice! :) Emily Street
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Leah’s Answer

There are so many podcasts out there for Women in Business - Harvard Business Review has a really good one that just generally gives advice about leadership qualities and how to overcome some of the obstacles you may hit in your business career.

In one of my leadership courses for my MBA, we read articles about what it takes to be a good leader. We then truncated all that advice into what we internally thought would make us a good leader. I strongly encourage you to perform this activity, and really internalize what it means to be a business leader, and then highlight the gaps you feel you have and the strengths you have and really focus on sustaining those strengths while building a skillset to overcome the gaps.

(Also, confidence, humility, vision - those are my top 3 for what it takes to be a good leader.)
Thank you comment icon Thank you for giving me advice. Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Paul
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Jennifer’s Answer

My answer is centered around working for a very large medical device company which is a male dominated industry. I have an accounting background and work in the finance team.
As a woman in this industry, I found that you have to be confident in your abilities. Take the seat at the table and speak up. Being surrounded by various types of people all with engineering backgrounds can be intimidating. Ask questions, because I can guarantee you aren't the only one interested in the answer. Learn as much as you can, never stop learning. Find people around you that can and will speak on your behalf when you aren't in the room. Remember, you have information they need, therefore your voice and opinion matters.
I have been a member of the Toastmasters International organization for a number of years. This organization has helped me find my voice with better communication skills and has taught me many different leadership skills to help me navigate through this industry. I especially like that I now have the ability to lead without having the "authority" of a managerial role.
Most importantly, look and ask for roles within the organization where you can learn a new skill. Many managers will allow you try new experiences, and sometimes even fail, to help you gain the experience in a safe environment. Be willing and open to new experiences.
Good luck to you in your future endeavors and I hope my reply as inspired you to reach for the stars!
Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Samuel
Thank you comment icon Loved reading this, thanks! Paul
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Kris’s Answer

Hi Khin
Good question which i wished i had asked when i was younger. As in most of what we do:
1) Think about what business you want to go into - find a niche/differentiated product/service or what you think you can do better than others
2) Find inspiration and role models who inspire you - they can be in a totally different industry
3) Love your customers (sell them what they want and what they didn't know they want) and network
4)Take risks and dare to fail - let failure be a strength to help learn and succeed
5) Never give up but be prepared to change course
6) Stay entrepreneurial and innovative!

All the best and looking forward to seeing another young entrepreneur!
Thank you comment icon Thanks, can't wait to put this advice into action! Samuel
Thank you comment icon Loved reading this, thanks! Paul
Thank you comment icon Thank you. Khin Yadanar
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Kimberly’s Answer

Hi Khin,

Some of the best advise I have received as a woman in business is the following: when you accept a role at any company in any field, make sure to know the exact salary you will be paid and get it in writing. This is often called an offer letter.

It is imperative for you to know how much money you will need to afford your living expenses. Then calculate the amount of money you desire for additional discretionary purchases, how much you need to save, etc. so you have an idea of the salary required for you to live comfortably.

If you are not happy with the first offer, be ready to ask for more money, benefits, or even more vacation time. As women, we can be afraid to speak up. We may also feel pressured to take the first offer presented to us without discussing all of our options. In fact, the person sitting on the other side of the table is expecting you to ask for more. A first offer is usually not the best he can do. This is your chance to negotiate.

Negotiating can be a very scary experience. There are many books and networking organizations that can help you practice how to negotiate in order to get what you want and deserve. I promise, you will be very happy with the outcome.

Best of luck to you.
Thank you comment icon I am really grateful you took the time to answer this question. Samuel
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Amanda’s Answer

As a first step, I would learn more about the world of business. What areas are you most interested in? Are there functional areas would best leverage your skills? Where do you have passion that could be leveraged in business? Assessing your own motivations, skills, capabilities and knowledge will help you hone in and focus your efforts.

From there I would learn more about roles and careers in those areas through networking (via family and friends, LinkedIn or other social platforms, etc.). Talk to people in similar roles, careers, industries, etc. to understand multiple perspectives. Learn about how they got into their role, what skills are needed, how your current knowledge and skills would translate into business (sometimes just learning the business language can help you get past barriers) and what advice they would have for you entering this field. You can also learn through online research (i.e. look at posted job descriptions and requirements to gain insight into roles/responsibilities and position requirements), professional associations (likely online learning opportunities, more networking, understanding of the profession, etc.), business articles in your area of interest, etc.

Developing your action plan - take the information learned through your self exploration, networking and research to create a specific plan to move you toward your aspiration. Your plan may include more education, online training, research on companies and industries to target your search, applying and interviewing for relevant positions, identifying a contact in an organization that would help you network with managers or recruiting team members, etc.

Just know that it is a journey, and with the right information, focus and effort you can work toward a successful career in business. Best of luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Samuel
Thank you comment icon This was super helpful, thank you! Paul
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Valerie’s Answer

Hi, it has never been so easy to do business. Look at all the opportunities nowadays with internet! One person I really like to listen to is Denise Duffield-Thomas. Check her videos. Very inspiring and uplifting. Maybe you can get something out of her talks and books.
Thank you comment icon Thank you. Khin Yadanar
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Polly’s Answer

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy path so it is important that you put your passion into the business. Furthermore, you need to know your potential customers/clients and know what they need. Sometimes what we want and what we are passionate about is not exactly what the customers need, so it is important that you find the right balance between the two. Hope this helps.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for sharing your perspective. Samuel
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Philippa’s Answer

One important skill you need to have is marketing and promoting your business e.g. learn how to network and use social media. Know how to leverage your connections to find the expertise you don't have personally. And most importantly follow your passion! Good luck!
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Samuel
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Lauren’s Answer

Being a woman in business is an awesome career choice! Although it can be challenging to break through the glass ceilings at times, never underestimate your ability to do so. I would start by finding a mentor--a women in business leadership that you can learn from. Set up a reoccurring cadence with that individual for advice, tips tricks, etc. Something that has helped me is READ! There are so many excellent books out there.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Samuel
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Mary’s Answer

BE YOU! Learn what being a Servant leader is all about.

A great leader posses a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty, humility and clear focus. ... Great leaders help people reach their goals, are not afraid to hire people that might be better than them and take pride in the accomplishments of those they help along the way.
Thank you comment icon I will use this advice as I prepare for my career. Samuel
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Iva’s Answer

Believe in yourself! Take small actionable steps to get you to your goals! Network with people and ask for help, people are always willing to help.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for the advice. Samuel
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Preeti’s Answer

Though it is very easy to venture into a business , however one needs to strategize the whole plan in a holistic way for a successful business. After spending 16 years in upstream marketing, I strongly suggest the seeker to find for an opportunity which is relevant to the region and the market and build a business case around it. Some level of hands on experience for couple of years in a marketing/sales role/ business development role which would provide a very tangible view of the market and users' behavior.

Preeti recommends the following next steps:

Shadow a role model if possible who took similar step as yours.
Spend quality of time understanding users' behavior , market need and risk in the business opportunity
Discuss the prototype with many customer segmentation
Create various phases of the plan , e.g. Concept phase, pre-validation phase, execution phase, final validation phase, launch etc.
Expect a slow growth in the beginning , and focus time on promoting and improvising on the business
Thank you comment icon I appreciate you taking the time to answer this. Samuel
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Douglas’s Answer

Dear Khin,

Consider your goals, why be a business person? I am not
questioning you passion or why you want start a business.
The question is about self evaluation, about you knowing
why you want to do this. In life, how do you know whether
you are a success or still working toward success if you
do not know what you think success is?

Learn about cash flow, how much each day/week is earned or lost.
This is a pretty basic measurement of business health/success. Always
have access and approval of all money earned and spent.
Some may say you do not trust them to do the books/payments,
just indicate that you must know the cashflow to make
good decisions about the business. If you cannot do
this then you are allowing the possibility of a business
failure due to embezzlement or poor info about cashflow.

Find people/advisors who do _not_ have a stake in your business,
and who support you. Mentors are those who know how you
can grow your business and focus you on what is next and
what mistakes you can avoid.

** Listen to the NPR "How I built this" podcast, many lessons
can be learned from these business founders. I recommend
that you listen to all of the shows.

Learn how to scale a business. If you get an order that is
ten times larger than you have ever done, be prepared.

** For ideas read: Rework and Remote by David Heinemeier Hansson,
excellent and specific examples for a better work life
for you and your future employees.

** For more ideas read "Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days", "100 Side Hustles: Unexpected Ideas..." by Chris Guillebeau

Before you ask for money from investors consider carefully
what you are promising. Know what is required
to satisfy the debt. Know exactly how to exit the agreement.
Have an agreement about how to get out of the loan agreements.
If an investor unknown to you offers you a loan, always have
a lawyer review any agreement. Find a lawyer that does
not have a conflict of interest.

Many say that you must not consider giving up - EVER. But,
what if your idea or implementation is a mistake or will fail?
Have a way to evaluate when to shut down and cut your losses.
Do not make that a easy or casual decision, tenacity is a
hallmark of a good startup.

When you have workers/employees consider and plan for them.
If you decide to end a business. I think that two weeks
pay is a minimum, even better is weeks of ongoing benefits.
Always give good recommendations for those who do
good work for you.

You determine when and if you will move onto your next business idea.

Ideas can be failures/bad, you will never fail if you
continue to learn and grow. Work on developing new
ideas, set aside an hour each week to think about
what bugs you and how that can be made into a business.

Pay people to do jobs you do not want to do, or do not
have time to do.

Learn about bootstrapping a business.

At first, do not quit your day job, there is a myth that
a new business must be a full time job to succeed. Many many
people believe this, and many many businesses fail, that
may or may not be related. Cash flow esp. earnings is a key
to knowing when to quit your current job.

You will have a hard enough time without people in your
life who doubt your judgement or abilities. If they
say that you cannot succeed and do not give good
specific reasons - seriously consider ignoring their opinions.
Spend less time with them, find other topics to discuss.

Find a good employment lawyer and/or learn employment and
tax law.

Always, always, no matter how tired or upset you are be
firm and polite with all your customers.

Help others learn what you have learned. You may find that
future work is helping other business people.

Best of luck Khin.
Thank you comment icon Douglas, thank you! Samuel
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Diana’s Answer

Confidence and preparation.
Start with creating your brand.
Network with different groups throughout the organization.
I would also find a mentor and ask their story.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is amazing! I really needed it. Samuel
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Maria’s Answer

Hi! It's great that you are thinking ahead. I would start with making a plan. See what you are interested in and what you want to do then determine if there is a need/demand for that in your area. Then see what steps will you need to take in order to open your business (licensing, certifications etc.).
Thank you comment icon Your advice was so helpful! Samuel
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Eleanore’s Answer

As a first step, I would suggest you be clear as to why you want to get into business. Then talk to people in the industry/profession. Learn lots about it to determine if it's a fit for you and most importantly does it play to your strengths. Best advice my mentor gave me was do what you are good at and you will naturally succeed.
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Samuel
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Alfredo’s Answer

Khin , search within yourself and ask yourself: do you have anyone that you look up to in business? Once you find someone you consider a role model try to find out more about their trajectory by doing some research, this may help you down the road.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Alfredo for the advice. Samuel
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Erynn’s Answer

Women tend to be worried about appearances more, and there are at times double standards. Ensure that you know your position, know who you are and what value you bring, and own that. If you are in the room for a meeting, be there for a purpose, not just to listen. Don't worry about titles, network like crazy and show them what value you bring as an individual.
Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Samuel
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Helen’s Answer

Do not give up too fast. Keep going until you achieve what you want.
Thank you comment icon Loved reading this, thanks! Samuel
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Maria’s Answer

Hi! It's great that you are thinking ahead. I would start with making a plan. See what you are interested in and what you want to do then determine if there is a need/demand for that in your area. Then see what steps will you need to take in order to open your business (licensing, certifications etc.). Come up with a budget and figure out what kind of resources will you need. Planning ahead helps
Thank you comment icon Your advice was so helpful! Samuel
Thank you comment icon This was super helpful, thank you! Paul
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Alexandra’s Answer

I would say that the best advice would be to believe in yourself and your business ideas. The second, but not less important step, is to find people who share your interests and passions and who, to the extent they can, are willing to mentor you and give you their honest opinion.
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Samuel
Thank you comment icon I appreciate you taking the time to answer this. Paul
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Jackie’s Answer

As a beginner, it would be good to assess what are your skills and competencies so that you know what you need to hone and get exposure from.

Jackie recommends the following next steps:

Find a mentor who can provide you guidance as you go along.
Personally, it helps me a lot to be organized - having a To Do list so I know what I need to accomplish, making sure I invest time in self-help activities like reading books and joining seminars or trainings that will target my key competencies that need improvement.
Assess yourself regularly to see what you have been able to achieve and plan out your next steps.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Jackie! Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Jackie for the advice. Paul
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Heidi’s Answer

I agree with the comment above about making a plan. Helpful things to include in the plan would be to look for options to job shadow people in your area or do an internship these will provide good opportunities to learn more about different areas of work and narrow down your area of interest.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for giving me advice. Samuel
Thank you comment icon Loved reading this, thanks! Paul
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Julissa’s Answer

Hi Khin,

Great question!
I think that the most important thing to do is to find a job that you enjoy doing it. If you are studying business management you might want to search online available open positions, read the requirements and ask yourself if you would like to do it.
Then, be confident, set approachable goals and always ask for feedback.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Samuel
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Paul
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Carina’s Answer

Although I don't have the perfect equation for how to succeed as a woman in business, here are some things that worked for me. For the last next step, I looked at my strengths and decided that one I would emphasize in my work would be optimism. Many of my managers have commented about how my positive attitude makes me a great worker.

Carina recommends the following next steps:

Find role models (both in your industry and outside of it)
Don't be afraid to apply for positions/jobs that seem outside of your experience
Find what you're good at and use it to your advantage
Thank you comment icon I am really grateful you took the time to answer this question. Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Paul
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Mansi’s Answer

CNBC Make It spoke to successful women business owners to find out their advice as
To take a step-by-step approach.
Don't sell yourself short.
Learn to embrace rejection.
Give back to get back.
Learn from your team.
Create a culture of solution seekers.
Keep the end goal in mind.
Thank you comment icon Thanks for your encouragement! Samuel
Thank you comment icon I will use this advice as I prepare for my career. Paul
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Azeem’s Answer

In order to have a business or a career in business management.. One needs to have the clearly defined business plan.
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for the advice. Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thanks, can't wait to put this advice into action! Paul
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April’s Answer

Do research on different careers you are interested in. Learn about the income opportunities and if the income will support your ideal lifestyle. Consider if you prefer working a 9-5 job or are fine with working an alternative schedule. Does the industry you are considering offer flexible hours?

Look at several areas within education that may be of interest to you. There are several career opportunities within the industry.

April recommends the following next steps:

Find a mentor that you trust and can guide you in the right direction
Thank you comment icon Thank you for taking the time to help. Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice, April. Paul
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KATIE’s Answer

Be confident, aggressive without being apologetic and do not be intimidated by others.
Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you so much for the advice. Paul
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Vene'e’s Answer

There is so many different routes that you are able to go in business. Figure out what you are passionate about and learn as much as you absolutely can. I would recommend also connecting with those in that field. Finding a mentor that will be able to guide you and your path. You can connect and let them know what you have done, what you plan on doing and gain insight to anything more that can be done. Also, please be patient. I can't stress this tip enough. Promotions and roles do not happen over night (unless you are lucky). You can be in entry level positions and mid-level positions for years before you gain a promotion. Learn as much as you can about your role and what you are looking to do next in the meantime so that you are overly prepared.
Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Samuel
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice. Paul
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Yuliana’s Answer

I think the first step is to think what particular business you would like to pursue. Think about what you are the most PASSIONATE about. Then research if business models already exist in your areas of interest. Analyze if there is something else you could bring to create more value for people or try to frame the purpose of your business. Try to find the role model and learn from them. But most importantly, NEVER give up and always follow your dream!
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is really helpful. Samuel
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Paul
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Rachel’s Answer

Be confident.
Find your passion.
Every job, position, etc will lead you to your dream job. Don't feel like you have to have your dream job as your first internship or job.
It's about who knows you, not who you know. Who is going to vouch for you and wants to help you raise your external profile?
Thank you comment icon Thank you for sharing your perspective. Samuel
Thank you comment icon This was super helpful, thank you! Paul
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Khin,

Best Advice for a Beginner Business Woman

Starting a business can be both exciting and challenging, especially for beginners. Here are some key pieces of advice that can help a beginner businesswoman succeed:

Educate Yourself: As an educational student with an interest in business, it’s essential to continue learning about the industry. Take courses, read books, attend workshops, and stay updated on the latest trends in business and entrepreneurship.

Identify Your Passion: Find a business idea that aligns with your passion and interests. Starting a business in a field you are passionate about will not only keep you motivated but also increase your chances of success.

Create a Solid Business Plan: A well-thought-out business plan is crucial for any startup. It should outline your business goals, target market, competition analysis, marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational plan.

Build a Strong Network: Networking is key in the business world. Connect with other entrepreneurs, mentors, industry experts, and potential customers. Building a strong network can provide valuable support, guidance, and opportunities for collaboration.

Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Not every business venture will be successful, and that’s okay. Learn from your failures, adapt your strategies, and use them as stepping stones towards future success.

Focus on Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction should be at the core of your business strategy. Listen to customer feedback, address their needs promptly, and strive to provide exceptional products or services.

Manage Your Finances Wisely: Keep track of your finances diligently from the start. Monitor cash flow, budget effectively, and seek professional advice when needed to ensure financial stability and growth.

Stay Persistent and Resilient: Building a successful business takes time and effort. Stay persistent in pursuing your goals despite challenges or setbacks. Develop resilience to bounce back stronger from any obstacles you may face.

Seek Mentorship: Consider finding a mentor who has experience in entrepreneurship or the specific industry you are interested in. A mentor can offer valuable insights, guidance, and support as you navigate the world of business.

Stay Committed to Continuous Improvement: The business landscape is constantly evolving; therefore, it’s essential to adapt and improve continuously. Stay curious, open-minded, and willing to learn new skills to stay ahead in the competitive market.

Remember that every successful entrepreneur started as a beginner at some point. By following these pieces of advice and staying dedicated to your goals, you can pave the way for a successful journey in the world of business.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Harvard Business Review

God Bless You,
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Ron Melvin’s Answer

Have a goal or a reason as to why you've started your business. For some successful business it is their passion that drives them to do everything for their businesses to bloom and grow. It will not be an easy road, there will be challenges but as long as you have that relentless drive and believe on what you have to offer then I guess you will be really successful someday.
Thank you comment icon Thank you, Ron Melvin for the advice. Samuel
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Paul
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Adrian’s Answer

Excellent question!

Starting a new business can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. Here are some tips for beginner business women:

Do your research: Before starting any business, it's important to do your research. This includes understanding your target market, competition, industry trends, and potential barriers to entry.

Develop a solid business plan: A business plan is a roadmap that outlines your business goals, strategies, and financial projections. It can also help you secure funding from investors or lenders.

Build a strong support system: Surround yourself with a team of mentors, advisors, and peers who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement.

Focus on your strengths: Identify your unique strengths and skills and leverage them to build a successful business.

Stay organized: Establish systems and processes to help you stay organized and on top of your business operations. This includes managing your finances, tracking your progress, and prioritizing tasks.

Embrace failure: Failure is an inevitable part of entrepreneurship, but it can also be a valuable learning experience. Don't be afraid to take risks and make mistakes, and use those experiences to improve and grow your business.

Stay resilient: Starting a business can be tough, and there will be challenges along the way. Stay resilient, stay focused, and stay committed to your goals. With hard work and determination, you can achieve success as a beginner business woman.
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Joseph’s Answer

I would first suggest that you focus on marketing because in business you must market yourself and your capabilities and a lot of aspects of marketing and sales apply to all departments in the business.
I would then take as many relationship building and communication courses and seminars as you possibly can because these skills are they absolute most-important to your success.
Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Joseph, Thank you for your answering. Khin Yadanar
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Analise’s Answer

Hi Khin - This is such a great question, and I am excited to hear you are interested in business! Currently being a 3rd year student in university studying business, I myself have asked this question to many people as well. Here are the answers I have found helpful and have learned myself:

1.) Be confident in yourself! You are smart and know what you are doing, just remind yourself of that.
2.) Find both women and men mentors to guide you throughout your business education and career.
3.) Do something within the business world you are passionate about. The more passionate you are about something, the better work you will do.
4.) Always be open to learning! This quality will help you excel and continue growing.

You have some amazing answers throughout this thread, and I hope these pointers can add a little to those answers as well!
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Michelle’s Answer

As a woman in Financial Services, specifically in Wealth Management, I would encourage you to consider this field. I didn't really know anything about it when I was in school, but it is a wonderful profession for women for many reasons.

While it does require business acumen and the ability to understand financial and investment topics, it's truly a people business and the ability to build relationships and earn trust are really most important - especially for client-facing roles like Financial Advisors. It's a career path that can provide a great deal of flexibility, which is terrific, especially for those with family responsibilities. There are a wide variety of roles one can work in, and lots of mobility and opportunity to learn, grow and change positions. It's also a great time to join the industry, which has historically been very male-dominated, so there are abundant opportunities to get started. As an industry, we realize that we must better represent the clients and communities we serve, and that means bringing more women and other diverse professionals into the business.

Hope this helps and best of luck!
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Steve’s Answer

Get your education in dealing with people and business, then use those great skills your parents gave you to have good boundaries with others as you step into the world of business. It's tough out there and you have to evaluate each and every opportunity to ensure that it is a suitable fit for you, both in risk and reward. Take your time and perform the needed due diligence on every opportunity and above all be in the highest integrity at all times while treating everyone with respect.

Enjoy growing!
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Steve’s Answer

Best advice for to enter into business is to ensure you are doing absolutely what you love. Do the work that drives your passion and eventually the pay will follow. Be assertive along the journey and do not be afraid to ask lots of questions. Get noticed on the larger team calls by asking questions, or making a secondary point on another's comments. Find a mentor (at least 2 levels up) that will encourage you as you grow and develop within the org. Be kind, respectful and courteous to all you come in contact with in business. You never know, this person may be your future boss or you might hired them, AND it's the right thing to do anyways.... Find a group or two and join it within the org. A great way to meet new people, like you, and a way to get noticed by other managers who may be looking for someone like you on their team.

Enjoy your new role in business.
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ANTONIO’s Answer

Well, I may suggest you this and I do because it seems to be one of the reasons why some women are left behind on their careers. Sometimes women wait so much for a decision, for a better job, they wait until the have all the requirements needed for the new position or for the next step while man apply without hesitation and without having all of the requirements. Because of their boldness, sometimes men are chosen over women. As a woman, you need to show that you can, that you want to progress inside your job, and take advantage of every opportunity to rise your voice to your manager or leaders. Personally, I sponsor a lot of women in my job and push them to be better and excel as any other employee. And always remember to have the best attitude towards whatever you face in life, because a lot of people are hire by attitude rather than skills, because you can always teach the skills.
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Jillian’s Answer

1) Don't think of yourself as a beginner business woman vs a beginner businessman. You're just a beginner.

2) Know your value and build your value. That's hardest when you're starting out, but when people need/ depend on you that's how you earn job security, raises and promotions.

3) Communicate. If you don't know or don't understand something, ask a question. The worst co-workers are ones who pretend they understand when they clearly don't and won't ask a question. Things end up broken or taking exceptionally longer to complete. Questions are good!

4) Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's actually surprising how willing people are to teach/ help anyone that's willing to listen.

5) When you have a problem - don't just have a problem. Have at least 1 viable solution to your problem.

6) Be humble. This goes so far in the career world.

7) Don't be afraid to tell someone, even your superiors, something doesn't make sense. Obviously, don't be rude (back to be humble) but sometime others don't have the information/details that you might. You'll gain respect by speaking up when it's not the easiest thing to do or person to disagree with but you present valid rationalization for why you have a different opinion.
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Joselyn’s Answer

Hi Khin,

Being an educational would not hinder you to be a businesswoman, you can use your expertise to build a business related to it like how other educational institutions started. You don't necessary build a school but a learning center focusing on some subjects can be an idea for business. I would suggest that as early as now, read and learn a lot not just from your education but widen it by gaining personal experiences.

You have to know what you want in life. A clear vision is very important in building your future. Choose significance over success.
Just a reminder that given the abrupt changes that can occur, it is important to note that your education can contribute to your success however it takes right character to build you up and your business. Don't be afraid to take risk and select the right people who can build you up. Always think of significance rather than success. If you are significant, success would follow. Be willing to start small and always persevere! Your dream will keep you till the end.

Sending regards to your endeavor!
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Summer’s Answer

Get and stay Organized
Keep Detailed Records
Know you competition
Detailed Analyses of your risks and the rewards
Keep an open mind and be creative
Stay Focused and dedicated, it takes time and patience
Be prepared to make sacrifices