Career questions tagged cryptocurrency

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Kadiatou365 views

Are NFTs dying?

Since 2021 I'm really interested in NFTs and would like to work in this field. But I keep hearing it's dying even though I believe there is a great opportunity in there.

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Kadiatou603 views

How to have knowledge in blockchain and web 3.0?

I didn't see any colleges offering a major boarding this subject, and it's an industry I would really love to work in. I learned everything I know about this field through Youtube and Google and am planning to try some internships to have some work experience in this field. Is there any additional way I could try to have a deeper understanding of blockchain.

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erik515 views

how do you get into stocks?

how do stocks work and what would influence the stock market?

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Sean1351 views

Will cryptocurrency become the main currency of the future?

I am beginning to invest into the stock market as an 18 year old. I am a beginner and would love some tips and tricks. Thanks! #crypto #cryptocurrency #tips #stocks #stocks-investing #stock-trading #technology

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