Career questions tagged stocks-investing

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Xiaoming293 views

Is it good for a high-schooler to invest in stocks?

Is it good for a high-schooler to invest in stocks. Like i know how investment is a dangerous choice but in other way i think it's a fun and good way to make extra money.

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puttsies339 views

Is addiction a real problem for businessmen?

Do all businessmen struggle with addiction, or is that just in the movies?

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Aidyn531 views

How much investment does it take to be a successful day trader?

Can you start out small or do you need a large amount of money to even begin?

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Aidyn442 views

How much skill does it take to be a day trader?

Does it take a lot of patience or is it mainly based on skill?

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Aidyn283 views

What is the best way to learn day trading?

How did you learn? Does it require college or some other type of secondary education? How long does it take to learn and be successful?

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Jackie448 views

How do I invest in stock?

When should I buy and when should I sell stock?

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Siyanda508 views

could i balance working as CA and stoke trading on the side

#CA #stock trading #stocks-investing #stock-market #realestate #maths

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JWILLY903 views

Is it good to be involved in the stock market?

I am a middle school student who wants to get involved in the stock market. #web-marketing #marketing #online-marketing #stocks-investing #stock-market

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Laniya5284 views

How does investing in the stock market work? When I buy a share in a company, how do I sell it? How do people lose money in the market? Any other information?

stock market college student #stocks-investing #stock-market #stock-trading

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Daniel970 views

What are the steps needed to break into private equity without a finance background?

#Investing has always been a part of my life whether it be #real-estate-investing or #stocks-investing . I went to college for #engineering but will soon be attending a top ranked #MBA program. I was hoping to learn a little bit more of how people break into the #PE field.

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Charles1067 views

How can I eventually become a Hedge fund manager? If ever?

I've always been sort of into business-y type things and more recently I've learned quite a bit about the market and have even started reading investopedia whenever I get bored. For some reason, recently I have been absolutely captivated by hedge funds...though many can have legally dubious activities going on in the background. #hedge-funds #stocks-investing #hedge-fund

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Sean1351 views

Will cryptocurrency become the main currency of the future?

I am beginning to invest into the stock market as an 18 year old. I am a beginner and would love some tips and tricks. Thanks! #crypto #cryptocurrency #tips #stocks #stocks-investing #stock-trading #technology

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Devetra3970 views

How can you learn about the stock market?

Thinking about investing #stock-market #stocks-investing #stock-trading

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Stephanie 1032 views

Hoe can I invest into stocks?

I want to know important things about gaining more money. #marketing #stocks-investing

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Michael1077 views

What are two types of stocks?

I want to know the difference between the two, in order to make short and long term investments. #japan #sports-agent #stocks-investing #stockbroker

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sameera1758 views

is there a course for stock exchange?

i want to pursue a career in stock exchange. What do i need to study for that? #stock-market #stocks-investing #stock-trading #bond #sharepoint

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darryl2465 views

Is stock market investing a good career path?

I have a passion for cooking but if finding a career in culinary is not working out I would like to make a living Investing in stocks. If this is a good career path what college classes, major, and internships should I be taking as a incoming freshman in college the fall of 2016 to be successful in this type of career path. #finance #stock-market #stocks-investing #stock-trading #stocks

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