3 answers
3 answers
Kothai’s Answer
I would go with CSE Data Science. But going for a generic IT or CSE as your major and then doing a professional certification in Data Science is also a good option for it opens up several career opportunities.
Praveen’s Answer
CSE Data Science at VIT is better thant ITs in CBIT + VNR's CSE.
For CSE VIT is always a better choice as it has its own perks which includes less teaching hours and more practical ones, coding fests, lots of opportunities are provided for the students to explore their coding skills in the form of tech clubs and many more, students are exposed to a greater level of competition. These facilities are not completely provided in colleges like CBIT and VNR
For CSE VIT is always a better choice as it has its own perks which includes less teaching hours and more practical ones, coding fests, lots of opportunities are provided for the students to explore their coding skills in the form of tech clubs and many more, students are exposed to a greater level of competition. These facilities are not completely provided in colleges like CBIT and VNR