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How to i always stayed motivated ?

Motivation is the king

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Subject: Career question for you


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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Anuv,

Charting Your Career Course

Being a college junior, the task of determining your career path can indeed seem daunting, yet it's equally thrilling. It's crucial to take into account your passions, abilities, and principles while pondering your career choice. Here's a practical guide to aid you in your decision-making process:


Begin with a thorough examination of your hobbies, talents, and values. Reflect on activities you relish in your leisure time, subjects you're proficient at, and what you deem significant in a profession. You might find career evaluation tests, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the Strong Interest Inventory, useful in pinpointing potential professions that resonate with your personality and passions.


Armed with a clearer picture of your interests and abilities, embark on investigating potential professions. Delve into the daily responsibilities, educational prerequisites, salary expectations, and job prospects of various professions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics or O*NET OnLine are excellent resources for gathering this information.


Consider gaining firsthand experience of various professions through internships, job shadowing, or part-time employment. This will offer you a realistic view of working in a specific sector and assist in determining if it's the right fit for you.

Refine Your Choices

Based on your self-insight, investigation, and exploration, whittle down your choices to a handful of potential professions. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each profession and assess how closely it aligns with your interests, abilities, and values.

Establish Goals

Upon selecting a career path, formulate short-term and long-term objectives for yourself. This will maintain your enthusiasm and keep you focused as you strive towards your professional objectives.

Recommended Reading

“Choosing a Career: A Guide for Young People” by the U.S. Department of Labor
“Career Exploration & Planning” by the University of California, Berkeley
“How to Choose a Career: A Step-by-Step Guide” by Indeed Career Guide

May God bless you!
James Constantine Frangos.
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Tony’s Answer

Hello Anuv,

Here are my uplifting recommendations to keep your motivation high:

1. Establish a personal objective that you're passionate about.
2. Develop a clear, step-by-step strategy detailing how and when you intend to accomplish this objective.
3. Begin tackling these steps gradually, setting manageable milestones, and monitor your advancement.
4. Keep a record of your progress, it will serve as a motivating reminder of how far you've come.
5. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Every milestone reached deserves recognition.
6. Always express gratitude to those who lend a helping hand on your journey towards your goal.

Remember, you have the potential to achieve greatness! Best of luck!
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Howard’s Answer

Dear Anuv,

Understanding the underlying cause of your motivation dip is crucial. This could be a result of stress, an overloaded schedule, or simply not having well-defined goals. These are just a handful of potential factors contributing to your current situation. Once you've zeroed in on the cause, you can begin to adjust your outlook and kindle the spark of inspiration you need.

As a university educator, I've witnessed numerous individuals grappling with motivation. Here are some tactics that could steer you towards triumph:

1. Make self-care a priority: Ensure you're fueling your body with healthy meals and getting plenty of rest. This lays the foundation for a positive, fruitful day.
2. Maintain a positive attitude: A sunny disposition can widen your perspective, opening up new possibilities for academic and professional success.
3. Set attainable goals: Lay down reachable milestones and progress towards them step by step.
4. Applaud your wins: When you achieve a goal, take a pause to celebrate your accomplishment. This elevates your self-esteem and drives you onwards.
5. Immerse yourself in positivity: Spend quality time with friends who are ambitious and optimistic. Their zest might just rub off on you.
6. Connect with your boss, teacher or mentor: Express your desire to boost your motivation. They might have insightful advice to offer.
7. Cultivate joy: A cheerful mindset naturally enhances productivity.

I trust these tips will inspire you to reignite your motivation. I'm cheering you on and wish you nothing but triumph in all your endeavors.

With respect,

Professor Christiansen
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. To be motivated, you have to keep yourself work life balance, i.e. have enough rest and exercise. So, you have to ensure you have a good time management and avoid last minute rush. Firstly, you have to identify a time management tool that suits you, e.g. Google Calendar, MS Outlook, your phone calendar, etc.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Put down the time you need to attend your classes
2. Assign some time everyday for your assignment, projects, etc. Have some time to do the revision on the material covered in the class
3. Make sure you have sufficient time to sleep everyday and do some exercise
4. Allocate some time for your hobbies, friends & family gathering, etc.
5. Before assessment, exam, etc. you may need to assign more time for the revision
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Miss Wilma’s Answer

To be motivated one must set up goals to work up to, and have a goal that you will be excited to achieve.

Say you want to pass the spelling quiz, well you also want to visit your friends after school. You must discipline your mind to 1st do the thing you want to accomplish.

Then, Reward yourself after each study session with something you want Like to visit your best friend after school.

Therefore you will 1st study every night for 2 hrs before you plan to talk on phone, or text your friends, or go visit them.

Once you discipline yourself this way you will slowly improve your level of motivation in something you want to accomplish.

Good luck in improving your motivation gradually. This should become a life long way to improve anything you want to accomplish and to feel motivated to accomplish.
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Kate Sowinski’s Answer

Hi Anuy,

You asked a great question.

As someone who has always been self-motivated, I've always listed goals for myself that I hope to achieve. The types of goals range across many facets of my life, such as education, finance, and hobbies. I normally try to focus on 1 or 2 goals at a time to not overwhelm myself. Life is a marathon and you do not want to burn yourself out!

To feel like I'm making progress towards each of my goals, I like to list out individual steps that will help me get closer to achieving them. When each step is complete, I like to cross out or 'check the box' to showcase what has been accomplished and what I must focus on next.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
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Kate Sowinski’s Answer

Hi Anuv,

You asked a great question.

As someone who has always been self-motivated, I've always listed goals for myself that I hope to achieve. The types of goals range across many facets of my life, such as education, finance, and hobbies. I normally try to focus on 1 or 2 goals at a time to not overwhelm myself. Life is a marathon and you do not want to burn yourself out!

To feel like I'm making progress towards each of my goals, I like to list out individual steps that will help me get closer to achieving them. When each step is complete, I like to cross out or 'check the box' to showcase what has been accomplished and what I must focus on next.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
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Patrick’s Answer

Anuv, maintaining motivation can be tough, especially when you encounter hurdles, delays, or distractions. But, there are many tactics you can use to keep your motivation alive and stay on track with your goals.

First off, it's crucial to set clear and reachable goals. Spend some time figuring out what you want to achieve and break down your goals into smaller, doable tasks. Having specific, measurable, and realistic targets provides you with a roadmap and a sense of purpose, making it simpler to stay motivated and monitor your progress.

Also, Anuv, you can find motivation and inspiration by surrounding yourself with positive influences. Look for mentors, role models, or peers who have accomplished success in your area or share similar goals. Their experiences, guidance, and support can act as strong motivators and reminders of what you can achieve with grit and persistence.

Furthermore, build a conducive environment that encourages motivation and productivity. Remove distractions, tidy up your workspace, and set up a routine that lets you concentrate on your tasks and goals. Allocate specific time each day for activities that align with your priorities and contribute to your long-term success.

Another useful technique for maintaining motivation is to celebrate your progress and achievements along the way. Recognize your victories, no matter how small, and reward yourself for reaching milestones or overcoming obstacles. Celebrating your wins increases your self-confidence and promotes positive behaviors, making it simpler to stay motivated and keep making progress towards your goals.

Moreover, Anuv, you can find internal motivation by connecting with your passions and values. Figure out what motivates you and brings you happiness, whether it's pursuing a fulfilling career, making a positive impact on others, or achieving personal growth and satisfaction. When your goals align with your values and passions, you're more likely to stay motivated and committed to taking action, even when faced with hurdles or delays.

Also, keep a healthy balance between work and life to avoid burnout and keep your motivation high in the long run. Prioritize self-care activities like exercise, mindfulness, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. Taking breaks and recharging your energy allows you to return to your tasks with renewed focus and motivation.

Lastly, Anuv, you must stay flexible and adaptable in your approach to achieving your goals. Understand that setbacks and challenges are a normal part of the journey, and use them as chances for learning and growth. Stay open to adjusting your plans and strategies as required, and remain resilient in the face of adversity.

To sum up, Anuv, maintaining motivation requires deliberate effort and dedication, but with the right mindset and tactics, you can overcome hurdles, maintain focus, and achieve success in your pursuits. By setting clear goals, seeking inspiration, creating a conducive environment, celebrating your progress, connecting with your passions, maintaining balance, and staying adaptable, you can foster enduring motivation and chase your goals with confidence and determination.