Career questions tagged homework

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Annie765 views

Should I quit my sport?

I'm currently in 9th grade and have been doing rhythmic gymnastic since around 4-5 grade. I've been wondering if I should quit since I practice 4 hours a day on school days and haven't been getting enough sleep or good grades. Currently I have all As except for 2 subjects which are Bs, but I think I can do better. I am also taking all the hardest classes available in my school for a freshman. I really love my team but I don't know if rhythmic is my sport since I'm now in level 8 and I'm not as flexible as I used to be, therefore I'm at a huge disadvantage. I have also been wanting to quit for several years now however never had the courage to. It's been part of who I am for such a long time, but I just don't think it's right for me anymore. I really love the sport but I don't think I'm good at it anymore, or will be again in the future. Since I'll only get less flexible. I believe my coach really does want the best for us but most practices are wasted because she's not in the mood to correct us. I also see no future for me in the sport, and I don't think it will be good for collage app since basically no collage has a rhythmic gymnasts team/ I have to decide whether or not I want to quit since we have to start signing up for competition in 2 weeks, and if I don't quit this year I'm not quiting next year since I want to be able to start sometime else and get better at it PLEASE HELP! (If I quit I will start trying new sports starting with gymnastic)

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Nathaly452 views

Keeping organized

How do I keep my homework more organized, I struggle to keep everything in order and want to be more organized

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Linda402 views

How can I stress less on work load, when I get ap homework every day?

I am a high school freshman in ap human geography. Each night I have to read the textbook throughout the whole school week (total of 11-14 pages), or complete paper written packet and turn in the beginning of next class. And I sort of fall behind to catch up to finish work from my other classes.

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Alexis293 views

In high-school, will there be alot of homework i need to do? If so, how do i find time to do it all?

Will I be able to do all my homework and still do after school sports?

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Yasmine548 views

How do I start taking my studies more seriously ?

. It takes me all night to study and I'm easily distracted. I want to finish my homework and do my studies in the same night, but I always end up doing just one of those things that night.

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Madison859 views

With homework is it a good idea to do it right away or to give myself some relaxation time?

I have been wondering if I should do my homework right away or to give myself a few hours to wind down from the school day. #school #homework

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hakeem1042 views

How to stop procrastinating

#mentalhealth #homework #you matter

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Abby845 views

What's a good action plan once I've gotten so behind in classwork it feels hopeless?

I want to get credit for these courses, but covid and the state of the world has really taken its toll. How do I go up from here? Asking on behalf of a friend <3 #mental-health #classwork #schoolwork #college #studying #homework

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Abby1142 views

Any advice for someone who struggles intensely with motivation when it comes to schoolwork?

Asking on behalf of a friend who is experiencing mental health challenges <3 #motivation #mental-health #college #homework #schoolwork #student-life

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Kamarie739 views

how can you help me with school

#school #biology #classwork #homework

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Gianna886 views

How much time do students typically spend on homework?

#homework #college

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Mauricio1039 views

How do you handle homework and recreational activities?

Whenever you are enrolled in an academically intensive major, you get assigned a lot of homework and reading assignments. My questions revolves around the idea of how exactly do you find the time for your personal engagements and do well in your courses without sacrificing all of your time to studying. What resources are there to help ease the study? #college #time management #recreation #tutoring # general #homework #school life #university

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Maddison691 views

Sectioning HW for efficient studying?????

Idk how to do a bunch of homework without listing it out first and attacking the priorities?! #lesson-planning #studying #study-habits #senior #homework

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Matthew855 views

Finishing Homework

What is the best way to stay focused on homework? Does it help to listen to music? #homework

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Ariel2723 views

What is the best way to get focused and start studying?

I have such a hard time starting projects, homework, studying, etc. and it's so frustrating. Sometimes when I do start I can't get focused and I'm not sure why. Help. #school #homework #studying-tips

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Nicole1187 views

What are tips to avoid distractions?

I am not very socially outgoing, but I have a hard time doing #homework and #essays when I have a fun #book and plenty to read that is not in relation to my classes. I need to find a way to #stop reading so much and start #focusing on my #school

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Zachary957 views

How do you concentrate on your studies when you just can't focus

I have a hard time focusing on my homework and get distracted very easy. #focus #motivation #homework #studying-tips #study-skills

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Samara794 views

Any study hacks for in college?

I am a person who sometimes gets distracted while studying and/or doing homework. Are there any good study tips/tricks that would help someone stay on task while studying? #study-habits #college #college-advice #homework

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Brin557 views

What if you have a question?

While working on homework is it often that you have a question that doesnt get answered. In such a large group of people I am nervous that my questions eventually won't get answered and I will be stuck not fully understanding my work or being able to grasp the concept. #studytime

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