Career questions tagged quit

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Annie765 views

Should I quit my sport?

I'm currently in 9th grade and have been doing rhythmic gymnastic since around 4-5 grade. I've been wondering if I should quit since I practice 4 hours a day on school days and haven't been getting enough sleep or good grades. Currently I have all As except for 2 subjects which are Bs, but I think I can do better. I am also taking all the hardest classes available in my school for a freshman. I really love my team but I don't know if rhythmic is my sport since I'm now in level 8 and I'm not as flexible as I used to be, therefore I'm at a huge disadvantage. I have also been wanting to quit for several years now however never had the courage to. It's been part of who I am for such a long time, but I just don't think it's right for me anymore. I really love the sport but I don't think I'm good at it anymore, or will be again in the future. Since I'll only get less flexible. I believe my coach really does want the best for us but most practices are wasted because she's not in the mood to correct us. I also see no future for me in the sport, and I don't think it will be good for collage app since basically no collage has a rhythmic gymnasts team/ I have to decide whether or not I want to quit since we have to start signing up for competition in 2 weeks, and if I don't quit this year I'm not quiting next year since I want to be able to start sometime else and get better at it PLEASE HELP! (If I quit I will start trying new sports starting with gymnastic)

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Nicole863 views

should i quit band?

So i just joined band this august and i’m in color guard. now i absolutely love twirling my flag and being in the field and hearing that crowd in that huge football stadium we have at my school, but i hate everything else. i just got told i can’t perform at the game tomorrow or at competition on saturday simply because i missed tuesday’s one practice. i’ve never missed a practice before. ever. yet many of the other girls who are being allowed to perform have missed plenty, were late to the ones they did come to, are never prepared , and they’re still performing. favoritism is one thing that thrives in my band. i work hard for sure, practice any chance i get, show up to all practices, i missed one because i had surgery and they’re telling me i can’t perform. i know the routine and everything, they’re just using me as an example for all the other kids who wanna continue to miss practice. but that’s extremely unfair because it’s the only one i’ve missed. the seniors definitely do favoritism because my captain will have us standing at attention but then start talking to some of her senior friends who don’t have senority and are first years, allowing them to not be at attention . plus because of band, my grades are dropping tremendously. i was always an a , b, student, now i have two ds, two cs, and the rest are bs. my goal is to get into columbia university and i thought being in band would look great on my application but i won’t get in if i don’t have the grades. honestly, what should i do?? #highschool #marchingband #band #colorguard #quitting #shouldi #quit #columbia

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