Career questions tagged schoolwork

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Kayla445 views

What do I do if I am not doing well in my classes because my teachers are giving too much work?

Yes, I get it, I'm a Junior, but it is way too much for me because I have things out of school going on and it is just a lot to think about when I have things going on outside of school. At my school, we have this thing called Advisory where we take a period in our day to work on assignments, but that isn't enough for me because when I get home, I don't like doing work at home because all I want to do is relax after school and I know it's stupid, but I honestly can't help it. #$500scholarship

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Abby845 views

What's a good action plan once I've gotten so behind in classwork it feels hopeless?

I want to get credit for these courses, but covid and the state of the world has really taken its toll. How do I go up from here? Asking on behalf of a friend <3 #mental-health #classwork #schoolwork #college #studying #homework

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Abby1142 views

Any advice for someone who struggles intensely with motivation when it comes to schoolwork?

Asking on behalf of a friend who is experiencing mental health challenges <3 #motivation #mental-health #college #homework #schoolwork #student-life

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