Career questions tagged advisor

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grace4783 views

I'm a marketing major in my 3rd year - but I loved my accounting class! How do I know which to major in?

I am currently a third year student in marketing. I switched to marketing at the beginning of my third year, so the business classes were knew to me. I will be graduating late. I took accounting 1 this fall and I absolutely loved it - which is weird for me to say. I didn't know anything about accounting before this class, so I thought I was going to dread it. It ended up being really "easy" for me since I enjoyed figuring the problems out and didn't mind studying. This was my first college class that I felt this way about. It is making me want to switch my major to accounting. Although, I haven't taken any marketing classes yet. I enjoy marketing partly because I enjoy the free range of job opportunities after undergrad. I like that it is creative and has endless job opportunities that don't all involve a job in a cubicle. I was looking for advice on this decision I have. I definitely need to shadow people in accounting and in marketing, but was also looking for advice on here from anyone! #major #business #college #advisor #accounting #marketing #career #advice #majors #jobs

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Maria567 views

How are people in the medical field treated in the military?

I was thinking to be a military physical therapist because they help pay off your student debt and I know that's is something all PTs hate about their job. #pre-med #graduate #savings #advisor

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Kathy1082 views

Degree in biology... art/environment/science?

Hello, I graduated last year with a degree in biology in Florida... I've been pre-dental since 2010. I applied last cycle with a GPA of 3.4 and a DAT score of 17. I'm aware my DAT score isn't the best, and considering how competitive the dental career is becoming, I don't expect that to be enough. I've been "studying" to retake this dreadful exam for a few months now, though I can't deny I've had my ups and downs and have become discouraged. In the mists of all this time to think, I can't help but wonder what else is out there for me. I also know that every year about 12000 students apply to dental school and only less than half get accepted, so I'm not alone, but I also can't wait forever for something I'm questioning myself on so much; even if its only out of discouragement. I've always been a very artistic and creative person.... so i just can't help but wonder if theres something out there that I can use my biology degree in. I've been trying do so some research, but I'm in desperate need for more guidance. Helping our environment has also been something thats always intrigued me... So something where I could use my biology degree/ help the environment/ perhaps something artistic of some kind would be awesome... design of some sort/perhaps for health (idk how that works but someone mentioned it, i just can't find much information )....any ideas?Even if its in another country... I've just been so fixated on the "health department" aspect of things that just require you to apply to some kind of grad school, that now I'm just lost and don't know much of anything else because I didn't expect this to happen.... but life throws us curveballs and thats okay. These are just ideas I'm trying to seek, I'm still going to attempt applying this cycle to see whats happens, but I don't want to not explore because theres a voice in me that wants me to really see if theres something else I'll be passionate about..I'm still young, I just don't want to waste time because its more precious that money and I want nothing more than to learn and contribute... But feeling as stagnant as Im feeling isn't helping any drive in me whatsoever. This world is vast and filled with ideas, there has to be other options I'll be great for. (side note; all this time thinking just makes me think of the downside of dentistry I so often hear about: arthritis, tendonitis, back pain/problems, overstress, not to mention the student debt 300k-500k... most expensive career apparently) #science #environmental #career-change #advisor #sustainability #conservation-biology #sustainable-design

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Wendy733 views

Let's say I want to become an environmental engineer and the required degree is a bachelor. Should I go to prestigious school to obtain my bachelors or no?

I am asking this question because I need to know this type of information in order to be successful in college. And it is information needed to be more marketable in the job market. #college #counselor #bachelor #advisor #choice

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Chantel1113 views

How does your college choice affect the pay rate in your career field?

I am enrolling at the University of Georgia for Business Administration and Mechanical Engineering in the fall. I am asking to get more insight on whether attending graduate school at a more prestigious university is a waste of time and money. #business #engineer #advisor

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Terrie1150 views

Carrer Choices

I am thinking of pursuing a degree in finance but don't know if I should. The business world is very competitive and I'm not sure if I am cut out for the environment and hustle. I am thinking I want a career as a Personal Financial Advisor, if anyone in the career or something similar to the career could help me it would be a great help! #finance #advisor

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Savannah1033 views

Is it a bad thing to switch your major?

I hear people saying how they changed their major in college. Some people make fun of them for not knowing what they want and wasting time and money. Is it a bad thing to change your major? Or should you just bite the bullet so to speak? #advisor

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Morgan743 views

Since I want to be a registered nurse, is it more beneficial to take science/math courses over a technical Certified Nursing Assistant course in which I would receive my state certification?

I don't want to squander my time/credits in high school with unnecessary classes. #college #nursing #healthcare #advisor

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Tyra773 views

Is it best to take time off in between undergrad and graduate school to pursue things like work or travel, or is it best to just take everything in one big breath?

I can see the positive and negative possibilities with both taking time off in between graduate and undergraduate schooling and I'd like an experienced opinion. #teacher #professor #student #advisor #career #career-counseling

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Tyra846 views

In terms of selecting a minor, which would be most helpful for someone entering the medical field?

I plan to enter the medical field following college and graduate school as I'd like to be an anesthesiologist, dermatologist or dentist. I feel secure in my selected major, but I'm not set on a minor yet and I'd like some feedback on what would help me the most while still allowing me to feel like my life isn't just consumed by school. #college #doctor #professor #student #advice #dentist #advisor

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Scarlett1308 views

new degree

I am 3rd year chemical engineering senior and I feel like I know nothing absolutely nothing! I hate this major.. is it waste of time if I started civil engineering from 0 which means 5 another year from now ? I am 20 years old and I feel passionate about this major #doctor #engineer #professional #chemical #civil #advisor

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Scarlett7236 views

I chose a wrong major. I need a help. I am lost.

I am a chemical engineering student. It's my 3rd year in college but I hate my major now. I love mathematics, numbers but I love traveling, meeting people and learning new languages too. I want to start a new major but I want to be sure that I will love to work in this field. I don't want to loose more years. I feel lost. I really need a help or any advice that can really help me making the right decision. I used to be a class A student in my school but when I started college I didn't find interest in my major so I am a class B student in my college. I must note that I can't afford expensive universities (tuitions) unless I have a financial aid or student job or any scholatship. I am thinking about starting a civil engineering major (but I am not sure) which means I have another 5 years to study. I don't mind studying abroad. I really need a help please !! #college #engineering #majors #help #financial-aid #advisor

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Krystal3107 views

What major should I take to fulfill both career of pharmacist and nurse anesthetist?

To help me decide which major to take in college #college #college-major #advisor

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