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how to manage your time better?

What is the best way to manage your time? I am a student athlete and I play 2 high school and 2 club sports. I currently have a 3.6 gpa which is good but I feel stressed all of the time during the sports season because I feel like I never have time to study or get homework done. I am also a very social person so on top of all of that I want to spend time with my friends outside of sports and school. How can I manage my time better?

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Despina’s Answer

Balancing academics, athletics, and social life is a challenging but achievable goal with effective time management strategies. Here are some tailored suggestions to help you manage your time better:

Prioritize Your Activities: Given your commitments, it’s crucial to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Identify key priorities for each aspect of your life (sports, academics, social).

Use a Planner or Digital Calendar: Keeping track of your schedule with a planner or digital calendar can help you visualize how your time is allocated. Include practice times, games, classes, study sessions, and social events.

Set Specific Goals: For both sports and academics, set clear, achievable goals. Breaking down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks can make them seem less daunting and easier to accomplish.

Establish a Routine: Create a daily routine that includes time for studying, training, and relaxation. Consistency can help reduce stress and improve efficiency.Efficient Study Techniques: Use study techniques that maximize learning in minimal time, such as active recall, spaced repetition, and the Pomodoro Technique (short bursts of focused study time followed by a short break).

Communicate with Coaches and Teachers: Let them know about your busy schedule. They might offer flexibility or advice on managing your commitments effectively.

Limit Procrastination: Use any free time wisely. Even short periods between activities can be used to review notes or complete small tasks.

Self-Care: Ensure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and finding time to relax. Good physical and mental health is crucial for maintaining a busy schedule.

Socialize Smartly: Combine social activities with other responsibilities when possible. Study with friends, or invite them to your games. It's about quality, not quantity.

Review and Adjust: Regularly review your schedule and adjust as needed. What works one month may not work the next, depending on your sports and academic commitments.Remember, it's about finding a balance that works for you, which might require some trial and error. Managing your time effectively doesn’t mean filling every moment with tasks. It’s also about ensuring you have time to relax and do things you enjoy.
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Taylor’s Answer

Time is the most valuable resource on the planet. With this said, being efficient is almost mandatory when it comes to achieving goals and desires. My recommendation is to outline important features and aspects of your daily routine versus the ones that aren't necessary.
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Karan’s Answer

Focus on what is most important. This can be both athletics and academics. Both are important. Figure out how to give your best to both.

At the same time Don’t be concerned about being perfect at everything. Set your priorities and learning to do this now is a habit and skill that can and will serve you for a lifetime.
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Antonio’s Answer


Balancing and managing time as being an student athlete can be difficult. Prioritizing and setting a clear schedule is a great resource that can be used to assist in that balance. It will also assist with reducing stress and allow for best performance in classroom and excel as being an athlete. You can always make changes as needed from time to time as you complete course, become a more efficient athlete, and overall grow as an individual.
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Nyair’s Answer

Hello Ella,

First, weigh the pros and cons of each activity and want. There is only so much time in the day, so make sure that you are not overextending yourself! Burnout is real, and you deserve rest, fun, and peace of mind. In general, here are some things that can help you manage your time better:

1. Create a virtual or physical calendar to keep track of all your deadlines and activities.
2. See if you can do anything part-time or take less responsibility.
3. Keep lists to itemize your responsibilities. While a large end goal may be overwhelming, small attainable goals help you appreciate what you are getting done.
4. Set specific time frames/hours aside to ensure you are dedicating time to essential activities.

Good luck, Ella! You are already doing amazing!
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Jerome’s Answer

You are juggling a fair amount and I can see why you are feeling some pressure.

I remember crying myself to sleep one night while trying to get my Masters Degree and working 50+ hours per week. I had to remind myself that it was temporary and that what I was doing would lead to a better life.

I'd offer you should keep prioritizing your school and sports. Both can play a huge role in your future success. Make sure you carve our some time to unwind. I find it helpful to create a daily schedule. If I plan my time, I am less likely to waste it. Also, try not to multitask. Block time on your calendar for things and stick to it. Multitasking very rarely works. Last note, try to group similar tasks or eliminate anything that might feel redundant.

One day you will- oddly enough- look back fondly on this time. Enjoy it, but pace yourself pls.
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Rosaline’s Answer

Balancing academics, sports, a social life, and personal well-being is indeed challenging, but not impossible. You CAN manage your time effectively, reduce stress, and even improve your performance in all areas. Try to use productivity tools. Regularly review your schedule and the tools you're using. What's working? What isn't? Adjust as needed.