Career questions tagged underwater

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Emma250 views

How does marine life behave around divers?

I want to know how fish react to people swimming around in their environment. Do certain species of fish interact with people more than others?

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Richard235 views

In commercial diving is there gonna be more than just one team in the water or more than one so the job can get done a lot faster?

in commercial diving is there gonna be more than just one team in the water or more than one so the job can get done a lot faster?

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Stuart611 views

Do underwater welders work mainly in/around water or other liquids?

#welding #underwater #scubadiving

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cody723 views

How would I go about becoming a certified underwater welder?

I am in school for welding and planning on taking advanced courses. What I would like to know is how one makes the leap from welding to underwater welding. #underwaterwelding #welding #underwater

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frank640 views

what are the risk and later in life helth problams that I may have to keep in mind

I'm a student looking to understand my field that I have chosen more. my profession is to be a under water welder #welder #welding #underwater

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Kyle1235 views

What dose it take to be a Under water Photographer?

i am a Junior in high school and is looking for a job in photographer. I was looking and found under water photographer. What does it take to be a under water photographer? Does it pay well? Is it a fun job? Do you work with other people? Thanks #photography #photographer #underwater

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