Hello, my name is Angel and I am currently seeking a job and work experience in the mental health department or any department where i help and interact with people.
I'm in my first year of university, studying Bachelor of Arts. I am passionate about mental health and helping people become better versions of themselves. I aspire to help people and ensure those I come in contact with are in a better place emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I'd love to gain work experience under a psychologist, metal health advocate or case manager, or anything along those lines. #healthcare #career #psychology #casemanager #mentalhealth
2 answers
Julia’s Answer
That is a wonderful career interest! If you are looking for shadowing or internship opportunities to explore this, here are some ideas:
- take psychology courses (you will most likely need to have a degree in psychology for a career in mental health)
- talk to your university career counseling office about your interests and they can help guide you to the resources they have for internships, or advice on courses to take first.
I hope this is a helpful start!