How can I decide what I specifically want from my major?
For example, my major is going to be biology, but I can't decide whether I want my focus to be genetics, ecology, or environmental sciences. What are any tips to decide which would be best fitted for me? #college-major
2 answers
Christopher’s Answer

Christopher Dewitt
Christopher’s Answer
Great question. You should evaluate your specific career aspirations. If you are looking to do more environment-centered research or something similar, then the ecology or environmental tracks would be best. If you are more interested in genetic engineering and the like, consider the genetics track. Be sure to look at what careers are going to be in demand, the level of education needed and how much funding that education could cost. The nice thing is, it sounds like you are just starting college so you don't have to have all of that figured out yet. You may well get a better feel for exactly what you want once you go though BIO I and such. Good luck