What sort of traits to companies look for in their employees in this field?
What sort of things should i work on as i am learning about the field? #Security
4 answers
Alena’s Answer
Quality Security is essential for every tech company, and it only keeps getting more important.
Employees in this field need to be open minded enough to think like the adversary and well educated on the latest trends - both for hackers and solutions.
Alena recommends the following next steps:
Deron’s Answer
The biggest thing we look for when hiring a new security engineer is a passion for security. It is really hard to get skills in security so people who attend meetups, do Capture The Flag events, submit bugs on HackerOne, and really have an interest and are excited about security and hacking are the type of people we want.
Deron recommends the following next steps:
Kerry’s Answer
Stay curious. Be a tactical expert but don't forget to think strategically - what problems are you trying to solve and what are their impact? Subscribe to groups/literature and stay current on trends.
Rebecca’s Answer
SANS is one of the largest sources of Information Security Training and Cybersecurity certifications.
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