Amount of years it talks to become a psyciatrist
How long does it take (in education years ) to become a psyciatrist?
2 answers

Jared Chung TeamJared’s Answer, Team
Psychiatrists are medical doctors. Generally that means you start with a 4 year undergraduate degree. Then you do medical school, an internship and a residency, which can be 7 years. So 11 years total, after high school is completed.
Rose’s Answer
In order to become a psychiatrist you must first complete an undergraduate degree which usually takes 4 years for most people. Then medical school for 4 years. And finally internship and residency which together is another 4 years. After high school, it would be an additional 12 years of training.
If you are interested in prescribing psychiatric medications you can also looking into Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant programs which take 3-4 years to complete but would require working under the supervision of a licensed physician.
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