What are some things that are related to agencies or in a career that relates to video production help out with company bigness?
I haven't decided in a specific career but I want to know things that can be involved in video production but I also want to work in a agency .
I want to help out with new talent and make their videos because I have always thinned that it was always fun on making something beautiful.
So I want to know what are somethings may be related to video production and agencies. #video-production #agency-relations
3 answers
Vee’s Answer
Hi Becxy - video is certainly a fun area to target for your career and has many options so I am sure you would never be bored.
I would suggest exploring any creative media activities you can so that you begin to build up portfolio of your own projects.
Today's smartphones can be used for this so there is no need to buy specialist or expensive equipment to get started. Just get out there and shoot some fun stuff and use free software to do the editing.
You would have the choice of joining either a dedicated video agency / company or a larger broader company that has a video department amongst others - all employers in this area will have many many applicants for any vacancies so building up as much experience as you can and presenting yourself via a strong portfolio of work showing different styles and subjects will be a key differentiator for you here.
Look for opportunities to offer your video skills to support school/college projects or local charities to expand your subject matter and introduce you to new ideas.
I am sure you will have a fun doing this regardless of where your career takes you - whatever you decide - Good luck! - Vee
Grace’s Answer
Start playing around with video editing apps (yes, even Tik Tok) and start getting a feel for how the videos you love are put together. A common way to start is music videos for your favorite songs even if it feels cheesy.
If you have a computer - iMovie is a free program for macs that can teach you the basics of video editing. There are also a ton of tutorials and resources on YouTube!
Once you have a portfolio (which can just be a youtube channel) - you can start looking around for apprenticeships and internships. Those are both a great way in.

Steward "Tony" Pacheco
Steward "Tony"’s Answer
What many newbies do not realize that within the community broadcast venues in each city, its contributors are some well know and financially stable producers, who just might have a place for you in their team. You will learn from a variety of talented professionals, many times trial and error, but that's the sweetness of it all. You'll eventually be awesome in the eyes of others instead of a legend in your own mind. You may even get paid and earn some valuable credit exposure. Go for it.