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Steward "Tony" Pacheco

John C. Maxwell Coach, Trainer, Speaker, Teacher
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Kyle, Texas
84 Answers
43952 Reads
69 Karma

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Omar’s Avatar
Omar 2 days ago 291 views

What ways can I improve my video editing skills?

I have been editing and I first learned how to edit when I was about 13 or 14. I am 17 and still in high school and it's been on and off since then. Recently I want to get back into that groove, so I was just wondering if there are any resources, internships, etc. that can help me improve the...

Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Jun 27 284 views

What does the average workday look like in facilities maintenance jobs?

what are the times of work hours and the tasks that people in this field do often?

Mealea’s Avatar
Mealea Jun 28 392 views

How do you find scholarships for non US veterinary study in the US And do they accept us an international undergraduate student??

I’m 22 female and currently I’m a fourth year veterinary student. As school is about to finished plus my thesis too I’m stressing out about wanting to continue my DVM/VMD. However, I’ve always wanted to continue my degree in the US. Because this field in my Country is still considered as...

Rashmitha’s Avatar
Rashmitha Jun 28 447 views

Is there such thing as a neuro-oncology lab scientist instead of an actual doctor or surgeon How many years of school do I have to go through for this job?

I'm a rising senior in high school and I don't see myself physically working with patients but rather in a laboratory setting trying to develop treatments for brain cancer instead. Do these types of jobs exist and what is the education required to do so? I am also interested if this sort of...

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Jun 28 470 views

What does a typical day look like in cement masonry? What are some tools of the trade I should be familiar with? How difficult is it for recent graduates of a college or job training program to get hired for this job in the region – not difficult, somewhat difficult, or very difficult and why?

What does a typical day look like in cement masonry?

What are some tools of the trade I should be familiar with?

How difficult is it for recent graduates of a college or job training program to get hired for this job in the region – not difficult, somewhat difficult, or very difficult and why?

Liliana’s Avatar
Liliana Jun 28 213 views

How am I supposed to quit?

I'm a level 8 gymnast, and I've been asking my parents if I can quit for almost 3 years. but, my coach keeps telling my mom to keep me in gymnastics until I'm about 15-16 because she thinks that it's too early for me to make my decision. I've tried talking to them both about my feelings about...

Grace’s Avatar
Grace Jun 27 447 views

How can students with disabilities be advised on what careers they can pursue

my favorite hobby and interesting thing i do during my free times is to stay with disabled people and have conversations with then so that they can feel the support

Josue’s Avatar
Josue May 15 810 views

What advice do you have for students who are passionate about software development but may feel overwhelmed by the vast amount of information and technologies to learn?

Some people might suggest staying focused or trying to divide your workload, but many individuals in the field still struggle with feelings of being overwhelmed by the ever-evolving nature of technology and the multitude of options available for specialization. Could you share any personal...

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 11 204 views

How to become a Motivational Speaker?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Motivational Speakers on their path!

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jun 11 480 views

How do I find a talent agent and can I have one at my age 14?

I want to know how to find a talent agent and if I’m old enough to have one.

lawrence’s Avatar
lawrence May 31 305 views

How does a sophomore in high school set important goals for themselves?

setting goals is important for your future

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan May 05 322 views

How will I be the best students?

How will be the best students in there profession and I will be the best students in my college because it has been so deficit in class this day I will be expecting you respond

Alice’s Avatar
Alice May 01 393 views

How do I gain motivation ?

Am very good at writing,designing and painting but I have no motivation to do such who can help me? Thanks…

Ghost’s Avatar
Ghost Mar 13 809 views

How did you know what you wanted to do for a job?

How did you know what you wanted to do for a job. I ask because I’m struggling to know what I want right now I’m torn between what I want my future to be.

Quentin’s Avatar
Quentin Mar 06 355 views

I Really value Money,Creativity and Leadership. What jobs or career paths align with these values?

Any information is helpful