5 answers
Is diagnostic medical sonography in high demand and is it something that is rewarding?
I love little babies and I have always wanted to work in a setting with newborns but not necessarily as a nurse. #babies
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5 answers
C. Dawn’s Answer
Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a very rewarding occupation. There are different facets of sonography that include General or Abdomen, Ob/GYN, Vascular, Echocardiography, etc. Ultrasound is minimally invasive compared to other imaging modalities like MRI, CT or Xray. It's more than just pushing a button though to take a picture. You will be challenged to understand what "normal" looks like so you can help identify the "abnormal" images. I strongly suggest working in a hospital environment at first so you can get a well rounded experience of the entire body scans. After that time and obtaining your Abdomen Registry, then you could branch out into specialties and test for additional registries like OB/GYN, Fetal Echo, Vascular, Pediatric Echo, Adult Echo, Breast, etc. The more registries you have, the more you are marketable. Sonography can be lucrative but also very personally rewarding. There will be times like with all careers that you will face challenges as well. Learn from every challenge and let them better you versus define you. You will chose what is the right path for you, however, always know that it's never too late to change your career path if you find something you'd rather try. Not trying new things is when people become stagnant or unhappy. Challenge yourself to do something different, something scary and something hard. You will find more pride in yourself when you overcome new obstacles. Good luck!
Visit a college or colleges that offer Diagnostic Medical Sonography and compare their programs
Research ARDMS.org
Join the FB page: Sonographer's Do it in the Dark... there you can talk to real sonographers about any questions you have.
Believe in yourself! You can do anything that you put your mind to!
C. Dawn recommends the following next steps:
Krystin’s Answer
I would do a lot of research on the field. I went into it thinking I wanted to scan OB and changed my mind very quickly. There's a lot more to it. Not only are you looking for abnormalities with the fetus or determining if the pregnancy is viable, but you're dealing with all types of people with all different circumstances. Lots of tranvaginal scans which you get used to, but can be very difficult. Most programs are OBGYN/Abdomen combined. So you'll learn everything: thyroid, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, female pelvis, scrotal, and some vascular. I think the field is growing, but it can be challenging to get into. New grads are often prn, meaning they take call and overnights and whatever other shifts people don't want. This can last a long time depending on your job market.
I ended up in vascular and love it. I think the field of sonography is growing and your future would be secure. They are finding new ways to use the technology and advancements in equipment are making it more and more available. I would definitely recommend it as a career, but you have to look at it as more than just liking babies.
Best of luck!
Shadow in a hospital ultrasound department
Search job boards for ultrasound availability on your area
YouTube or Google different ultrasound protocols
I ended up in vascular and love it. I think the field of sonography is growing and your future would be secure. They are finding new ways to use the technology and advancements in equipment are making it more and more available. I would definitely recommend it as a career, but you have to look at it as more than just liking babies.
Best of luck!
Krystin recommends the following next steps:
Gregory’s Answer
Sonography is huge in pediatric and neonatal. NO RADIATION!! We do all types of exams from spines to hips to looking at all the internal organs. This includes all arteries and the heart.
Gregory’s Answer
Neonatal ultrasound is huge. It is a diagnostic toll that doesn’t use radiation. The only other modality of imaging that doesn’t use radiation is mri and requires you to be completely still which for baby’s means sedation, which is also dangerous. If you like helping babies pediatric ultrasound is the way to go. They also have an ARDMS certification for it.
Gregory’s Answer
This is definitely a growing modality that uses no radiation. Sonography covers everything, not just looking at babies. We can look at everything from small arteries, to the heart, to the appendix. Sonography is also huge in pediatrics and very operative dependent. When physicians find good sonographers they definitely appreciate and pay good money.