How do you know that the career field you want to go into is the "one"?
While growing I've wanted so many different jobs and I was wondering if there was a specific key to knowing whether or not the career you want is the one you should go into. #career
3 answers
Imane’s Answer
Hi there, The first advice I would give here is to do different internships. Internships give you a taste of how the business life is and can help you a lot to have some orientation and know what really interest you, this will also have a great added value into you CV. When thinking about your future career try to establish a list with all the things that you are good at. this will help you a lot and narrow your search. In addition, this list should refer to the things that you really like and enjoy doing. This is because if you love what you're doing, you'll "work" harder at it.

Julia Sears
Julia’s Answer
It should be something that you like to do, that you are passionate about -- and also something you are skilled at. When you're good at something and you like to do it, then you are happy about getting up each morning and going to "work." You will spend more time at work than anywhere else so it should be something you enjoy. When you start your career, be open to feedback and new opportunities. You aren't expected to know all the answers from the beginning. If you are open to advice and opinions, you can be very successful!
Nakisha’s Answer
You should always choose something that you have fun doing. When I am at work, it does not feel like work because I enjoy what I do.