3 answers
how can i improve my learning skills
generally i want to know it to improve my skills #learning
3 answers

Faith Legendre (she, her)
Human connector creating success with clients together by implementing the #humansideoftech with @CiscoServices
New York, New York
Faith’s Answer
This is a great question. First I'd figure out how you learn.
This is a free quick 20 question test that will tell you the type of learner you are.
It also will give you tips on how you can learn best.
Renee’s Answer
- Test yourself frequently on what you're learning. If tests/practice aren't built into the learning already, make sure you add those in yourself. I.e. read the chapter / watch the video and throughout pause to summarize to yourself what you're learning. Later repeatedly test yourself by summarizing the main points again, or ideally create materials like quizzes or flashcards or ways to perform relevant tasks that you can use to test yourself. This must include a feedback mechanism - a way to check if your answers are correct or if you are performing a task well.
- Space out your learning and intermingle your learning on different topics. A lot of research shows that spacing out your learning/testing sessions over time, and mixing them in with learning other topics, will increase how effectively you learn and remember. I.e. don't "cram" - instead learn a bit one day, wait a few days, test yourself and learn some more, etc. Mix in learning other subjects in between those learning sessions.
- Practice practice practice. If you're learning skills in addition to knowledge, chunk the skill up into pieces and practice one sub-skill until you are really good at it, then tackle another sub-skill. This must also include a way to receive feedback in order to keep improving your performance.
Sources: Make it Stick by Peter C Brown, The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle
- Space out your learning and intermingle your learning on different topics. A lot of research shows that spacing out your learning/testing sessions over time, and mixing them in with learning other topics, will increase how effectively you learn and remember. I.e. don't "cram" - instead learn a bit one day, wait a few days, test yourself and learn some more, etc. Mix in learning other subjects in between those learning sessions.
- Practice practice practice. If you're learning skills in addition to knowledge, chunk the skill up into pieces and practice one sub-skill until you are really good at it, then tackle another sub-skill. This must also include a way to receive feedback in order to keep improving your performance.
Sources: Make it Stick by Peter C Brown, The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle
Vera’s Answer
You can improve learning skills by studying when you have eaten and have had rest. it's best to study in the evening as you will retain it while you rest, I've learned.
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