2 answers
How do you balance school with other important things?
I would like to become a CRNA. I am worried that I will not be able to get through the schooling required to do so. #medicine
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2 answers
Estelle’s Answer
Realizing that you will need to prioritize your education is already a great start to becoming a CRNA. You will need to make sacrifices along the way, but remember that the investment in your education and training will definitely be worth it. CRNA's are in high demand, and you will have a great job and great salary. Take each semester of education one at a time so that you are not overwhelmed with the years ahead but the shorter term goals, instead. Balance studying with healthy stress relief through exercise, and you will do well.
Good luck!
Realizing that you will need to prioritize your education is already a great start to becoming a CRNA. You will need to make sacrifices along the way, but remember that the investment in your education and training will definitely be worth it. CRNA's are in high demand, and you will have a great job and great salary. Take each semester of education one at a time so that you are not overwhelmed with the years ahead but the shorter term goals, instead. Balance studying with healthy stress relief through exercise, and you will do well.
Good luck!
Jami’s Answer
Being dedicated through school is not always easy but it can be done. It is important to use your time wisely and stay focused on your goal. School won't last forever. I don't think you should give up on something you really want because you are afraid of the time commitment.