How important is your social life in school?
I would like to become a doctor, and going to college soon, so I'm wondering how important my social life is and what part it should play in school. #college #doctor #medicine #teaching #social
3 answers
Amy’s Answer
As a final year student just finishing my degree in college I belief that having a social life in college is very important. Your main focus of course should be your degree and the work that it requires, also any work experience/volunteering that you can find time for which I thoroughly recommend for building up your skills, experience and CV for when you graduate.
However, college is an experience which you will remember forever and one that, although stressful at times, should be enjoyed. It is important to socialise and make friends because they are the people that may motivate and support you and also take your mind off your work when you need a break. College is a big step and if you move away for college, like I did, then it is important to socialise because it is common to feel a bit homesick at first, friends are good for mental health and will also make your time at college much more enjoyable and easier!
Mark’s Answer
DO NOT underestimate the importance of maintaining a social life on your mental health. While most students fall into the trap of letting their social life compromise their school/career goals, I've seen many become overwhelmed with their studies and cut off social ties to maintain grades. You don't need to party every weekend, but you do need to unwind with other people at least once a week. We are biologically social creatures and you will struggle with motivation, depression, and so much more if you ignore this fact. While you may need to bust hump for a semester (gotta do what you gotta do), if you find that no social life has become the new norm then you have made a mistake in your career path. It's time to admit that you are not cut out for what you're striving for and you need to look into other career paths.
I also know many people who followed my bare minimum socializing suggestion above and they have a unique (but manageable) issue upon graduation. They tend to have not let loose enough in college and take that pent-up energy with them into the working world. This can get them in trouble because people can get away with a lot more mistakes in college than you can after...until retirement of course!
Everything in life is trade offs, only you can decide where that healthy balance is for you.
Brandi’s Answer
School is first and foremost about learning. College teaches you life lessons above learning as well.
I think it is important to have a healthy social life so that you can learn how to interact with people with different dispositions. It's also a good opportunity to began networking, which can help in your future endeavors.
So, definitely have a social life. Be careful that life doesn't interfere too much with school.