What should I do?
I've recently moved to Tampa from Indiana with family. I'm currently enrolled online at Ashworth but I want to go to a campus because I feel like I'm not learning anything. I'm not sure I want to continue with veterinary assisting or if I want to go into some form of business management. #career #career-choice
2 answers

Karin Richards, PhD
Karin’s Answer
Have you shadowed a vet to see what a "day-in-the-life" would be like? You can also shadow few local business professionals to obtain some more information about business management life. Contact a few local vets and even your Chamber of Commerce to inquire if you could follow a professional around for a day. Most are very willing to allow you to shadow them and love showing their work!
Wayne’s Answer
Glad to see you are asking the questions instead of continuing down a road you are not comfortable with. As a first step I would recommend identifying your strengths. I would recommend investing about $9 in a book from Amazon titled "Strengths Finder 2.0" and take the on line analysis. It is a very short book but the analysis provides a quick look at your strengths and may help point you in a direction. The strengths it identifies are applicable to multiple professions so it helps open the door to other opportunities.
You also mention that you are questioning on-site vs on-line learning. We each learn differently. Some of us are visual learners, some learn by hearing and some learn by doing. If you learn best in a classroom setting, then you are doing the right thing by looking for opportunities that provide that environment.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do!