What courses should I take for journalism?
Once i go to college I plan on taking a creative writing class but what else should I take. #journalism
2 answers
Juliana’s Answer
I would definitely take the majority of English/literature classes specially if you are planning to write either for newspaper or tv producing. I also would try to learn a different language in college (specially Spanish) it makes you more competitive in the media industry nowadays. Also the so called "APA" "MLA" writing formats learned in college are still used for some positions in the media industry.

Marilyna Rodriguez
Marilyna’s Answer
When I was in Journalism School a good choices for courses where: Advance Grammar Classes, a Second Language (always helpful) and History Classes are very useful in the long run. When studying Journalism and any other field, you have to get as prepared as possible for all the possible jobs you might encounter after graduation.