What does a typical day of an oncology nurse look like?
I am a junior in high school and I am interested in becoming an oncology nurse.
1 answer

Stephani Hunt
Stephani’s Answer
That depends on what type of oncology nurse you want to be! There are many different routes you can take. You could work in an infusion clinic for chemo treatmement, Bone Marrow Transplant unit, oncology general unit, outpatient treatments, etc. The typical day for a hospital based oncology nurse is similar to any other type of nursing. You come in, speak with the last shift's nurse about plans and problems, figure out what needs your patients have for the day, help everyone get cleaned up, pass the morning meds, and and monitor lab work, physical condition of your patients and work with the health care team to make changes to their treatment plans as necessary. You spend a lot of time with them and their families, discussing options, educating about medications, helping to come up with ways of coping and living their daily lives, providing support emotionally and mentally, and preparing them for their treatment course. Things can change in a person very rapidly on these types of units, so you have to make sure you are assessing the patients well and noting any changes in their condition. It is definitely a field of nursing I loved doing, and would do again in a heart beat. It can be emotionally draining either losing someone or doing everything you can to help and just not have the treatment work. It's hard to watch people you get to know so sick and miserable, but you also get to see many leave cancer free and happy.