4 answers
I plan on becoming an FBI Agent and I want to know what exactly would I have to study in college and for how many years will I have to study it.
I am not a very outspoken person so I feel that this job would be great for me to open up and explore new things since it's something I'm very interested in. #career
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4 answers
Terrence’s Answer
Obtain a undergrad degree. What ever field your ii interested in.
Adam’s Answer
The FBI currently has a direct out-of-college hiring program known as the Collegiate Hiring Initiative. They also have an internship program that might of interest to you. Otherwise, it is very common to work for a few years after college, and gain some real world experience before applying to the FBI. I would focus on a well-rounded academic plan that will lead you into a career where you can demonstrate solid analytical skills. Some of the more desired paths include accounting, finance, computer science, engineering, psychology, law, and sociology. A lot of people will recommend criminal justice. However, the more rigorous programs will help you get a good job out of college and solid work experience that you can use when applying to the FBI. Also, if you google their Collegiate Hiring Initiative, you will notice a number of job descriptions that are related to the paths I mention above, and none that mention criminal justice.
Claudia’s Answer
I would recommend attending a school that the FBI / CIA recruit heavily from (if you can). Then I would focus on excelling in whatever major(s) you choose, applying for their internship program, and building up your professional network and interviewing skills.
Jeff’s Answer
A friend of mine is an FBI agent. He studied political science in college. It helped him learn how the government operates and how communities and citizens interact with the government. He also did internships and work after college in order to get security clearance which is critical in order to become an FBI agent.