3 answers
How to go about setting career goals
I would like to become a doctor #medical
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3 answers
Stephanie’s Answer
First, you should meet with your schools guidance counselor determine the necessary steps to achieve this goal. They will help identify if you have taken the necessary classes to get into an appropriate undergraduate program and assist you if not. Do the same in college, make your career ambitions clear to your advisor from the start.
It may seem like a huge goal but just start with each individual step and work through them one by one and it will seem far less overwhelming.
It may seem like a huge goal but just start with each individual step and work through them one by one and it will seem far less overwhelming.
Jordan’s Answer
Hi Genesis,
I would research on how long it takes to get a medical degree. You will first need to complete you bachelor's degree and then go to medical school plus complete residency. You will also have to consider obtaining your medical license. I would speak with a doctor and gain information that way. You could also speak with local colleges about their medical programs and requirements. At this point, I would gain as much information as possible before starting classes.
If you pursue this career path, I would take one step at a time and not overwhelm yourself. It may take years until your education and training is completed. Celebrate each step you complete along the way because you are one step closer to your ultimate goal. Once you get more information, I would write down each step and then check them off as you complete. It may be nice to see a visual of your accomplishments. Best of luck to you!
I would research on how long it takes to get a medical degree. You will first need to complete you bachelor's degree and then go to medical school plus complete residency. You will also have to consider obtaining your medical license. I would speak with a doctor and gain information that way. You could also speak with local colleges about their medical programs and requirements. At this point, I would gain as much information as possible before starting classes.
If you pursue this career path, I would take one step at a time and not overwhelm yourself. It may take years until your education and training is completed. Celebrate each step you complete along the way because you are one step closer to your ultimate goal. Once you get more information, I would write down each step and then check them off as you complete. It may be nice to see a visual of your accomplishments. Best of luck to you!
Suzanne’s Answer
You are wise to realize the importance of setting goals, Genesis, especially if becoming a doctor is your ultimate goal. I agree with what Jordan said. I would add that if you are still in high school now, make an appointment as soon as you are able to do so, to meet with your academic/guidance counselor and let them know that this is your goal. It really helps to have a team supporting you. The team you create could include counselors, teachers, family members and adults in your life who care about you. The counselor at school can be sure you are taking the highest level college-prep classes your school offers. You want to take English all four years, another language if possible as well as science and math classes. Be sure to take biology, chemistry and math at least through trigonometry. If you can take honors or AP classes that is great. Ask if it is possible to take community college classes while you are still in high school.
Here is a link to a website from the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) which has a helpful website.
Make an appointment with your guidance counselor and let them know of your goals.
Once you have your covid vaccinations, try to find a health care setting to work or volunteer in.
See if your own doctor or clinic would allow you to "shadow" people who work there.
If class work is difficult, speak up and ask for help. Many people need extra help or tutoring with challenging topics.
Re-visit your goals regularly (maybe every semester) and see where you are in the big picture. Good luck!
Here is a link to a website from the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) which has a helpful website.
Suzanne recommends the following next steps: