How long does it take for someone to publish your book
After writing a book how long does it take to publish a book #writing
3 answers
X’s Answer
You're typically looking at months of editorial work (development editing, copy editing, proofreading, cover design, interior design, page layout, coding for ebook release, obtaining permissions for any art or images used on the cover or interior, etc.). The exact time frame depends quite a bit on what type of book it is.
I've worked for years in tech publishing, in which the subject matter is highly time-sensitive, so the production schedules are aggressive in order to get books to market quickly. Fiction and academic publishing run on a slower schedule. The publisher will have also analyzed the market and determined the optimum release time, so a book might be deliberately accelerated or held back in order to release it during a particular month.
Once the manuscript is finalized and ready to go to press, then it's another four weeks or so to actually print and bind the books and have the print run ready for distribution to retailers.

Isabel Fine
Isabel’s Answer
There are also lots of other options now instead of a traditional publishing route that you can pursue to get your book out there, and fast! Those include, but are not limited to, self-publishing, hybrid publishing (like a mix between self publishing and traditional publishing so that the traditional publisher does some of the work for you but you also do some of the work), E-Book/Kindle singles (a really great option for a new author), print-on-demand, audio book, podcast, serial release, etc.
There are downsides and upsides to all formats, but especially for a new author, looking into those other formats can help you figure out which one is a good fit for you and your book. I encourage you to do some research into each of the formats, figure out which one works for you and your book, and then pursue it!