1 answer
I want to flip houses for a living or at least be in real estat when I’m older but don’t know where to start, any tips?
Future real estate investor
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1 answer
david’s Answer
Flipping houses looks easy, from what we see in a number of TV shows, but there is also high risk. You are buying a house that needs work, and you are gambling that you have the expertise to fix it such that you can resell for a profit. To start, you should have sufficient funds to buy the house, pay for professionals to assist in the fixup, and handle the closing costs. Be aware that the real estate market can change quickly, and the house you bought may have more serious problems than expected. Still, it can be a lucrative career. I did locate this URL that gives more info:
https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/mortgages/how-to-flip-a-house I wish you well.
https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/mortgages/how-to-flip-a-house I wish you well.