1 answer
Is there any other options of schooling into becoming a doctor?
I am asking this because being a doctor sounds like a delightful career, however many individuals are discouraged because of the amount of schooling needed to be taken for this career. #doctoroffice #toolong
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1 answer
Andrea’s Answer
Hello Isai,
Becoming a doctor is a wonderful and rewarding career, but as you stated, it requires a significant investment in time, and unfortunately there are no short cuts. If you want to pursue a career in medicine, you may also want to consider becoming a Physician Assistant (PAs). PAs practice medicine just like doctors, but they receive a Master's level degree, with typically results in a total of 6 years of college and graduate school, rather than the 10 or more years it takes to become a doctor, depending upon the specialty. PAs work with physicians and are supervised by physicians, which means they don't practice medicine alone. But they can work in any field of medicine and have the ability to change specialties throughout their career, unlike doctors who only specialize in one field.
Becoming a doctor is a wonderful and rewarding career, but as you stated, it requires a significant investment in time, and unfortunately there are no short cuts. If you want to pursue a career in medicine, you may also want to consider becoming a Physician Assistant (PAs). PAs practice medicine just like doctors, but they receive a Master's level degree, with typically results in a total of 6 years of college and graduate school, rather than the 10 or more years it takes to become a doctor, depending upon the specialty. PAs work with physicians and are supervised by physicians, which means they don't practice medicine alone. But they can work in any field of medicine and have the ability to change specialties throughout their career, unlike doctors who only specialize in one field.