2 answers
Angela’s Answer
Hi Sophie,
Parents can be a serious source of stress or support depending on the situation. I'm hopeful that you can think of circumstances where your parents are less aggressive & more apt to listen openly. If this is the case, it is probable that your parents just want the best for you but do not know how to express it properly. This isn't your fault. It will never be your fault that someone is treating you a certain way other than the individual in question. What will be your responsibility, however, is how you react to them. If your parents are putting too much pressure on you about college, first try to express yourself them how you want to be talked to about certain situations. If this continuously does not create the response you are looking for, continue being open & honest but understand that your future & your choices are your own. College can be difficult but if your utilize your resources as much as possible such as the counseling center, your advisor, professors who seem to genuinely care for their students, friends, & other leadership personnel on campus, you will build a strong foundation for yourself to grow both as a student & an amazing individual.
Daphne’s Answer
Sofie, I know that you may think that your parents are being hard on you but trust me you'll be thankful one day. I came from a very supportive family and had parents that aren't successful and all they wanted was for me to find a Man to support me. Because of that mantality I was married at 18 and divorced by 20. It wasn't until after my divorce that I focused on my life and my dreams to be successful. I now work a great company and I am very successful. So take your parents advice but do what makes you happy in your career choice. Good luck!
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