What if I spend my life thinking I want this Career, even go to school for this career, then turns out I hate it ?
Iḿ asking this simply because my dream is to become a lawyer, and its been my dream for a long time, but what if as strongly as I feel about this job, I end up hating it once I get it. #law-practice
4 answers
D. Robert’s Answer
Heather’s Answer
In the meantime - I'd highly recommend doing your research on what being a lawyer (in any of those pathways) is like. Talk to lawyers, find high school/ college internship programs, read, volunteer. Becoming a lawyer is a journey and you should make sure to go into it with all the information you can gather.
Kyle’s Answer
I had decided when I was in the third grade that I wanted to make video games for a living. By the time I was holding my bachelor's degree in my hand I was deeply unhappy with what I was doing and what my career trajectory looked like. Two years later I began pursuing a legal career because I wanted to make a difference. Today I'm volunteering part time at the public defender's office while looking for a job shortly after finishing law school, and I couldn't be happier with the work I'm doing and my career outlook. Life is a long journey. You have time to try things out and change course if you're not happy. It's a very hard choice though, I was very depressed during those two years that I was trying to find myself. I have seen people that took the trajectory that I left that are very happy and think they are making a difference in the world. The reason is because it is something they are passionate about. I found my passion in law. If doing legal work, the research, the writing, the argumentation, is something you are passionate about then I'm sure you'll find something you love in some field of practice. If there is something else you find you are passionate about it may also make a good career for you, even if you're not sure a career exists there. Hopefully you'll find something you love to do that doesn't require the drastic change I made, but if you find that you are unhappy just keep your mind open, and think about what you feel passionate about doing.
Warren’s Answer
I have been a lawyer for almost 39 years, and the lawyers I know who aspired to become lawyers from an early age are all excellent lawyers and very successful. There will be days that you don't like it, but you will find your niche if your passion stays with you.
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