How do you choose between what kind of lawyer you want to be?
I am a high school sophomore that is interested in becoming a lawyer, but I'm not sure which type of lawyer I want to be. #public-speaking #oral-communications #court-cases
4 answers

Kendra Young
Kendra’s Answer
It really depends on what type of work you are most interested in and what things you are most passionate about. If money for example is a primary motivation for choosing this career you would want to consider something like Real Estate Law, Tax Law or Bankruptcy as a specialty. Civil litigation if you are more interested in public or private lawsuits - there's money to be made there too it just depends on your case work. Real Estate, Tax and Bankruptcy Law are going to be repeatable cases so there won't be as much variety in your work as there would be for example in Civil Litigation. If there's any way you could get a summer internship with some attornies you could find out a lot more about what they do before making your decision. If you aren't sure how to go about that, be bold and make some phone calls or get busy networking - see who you know that can put you in touch with attorneys and then offer to buy one or 2 of them coffee for 30 minutes of their time. Talking to various people in these jobs is the best way to hone in on where you want to land. If you can't get time with an attorney, talk to the Paralegals and get their input.
Dean’s Answer
If I were advising anyone interested in a Law Degree I would strongly suggest looking into the field of Internet Litigation. The potential for expansion, longevity and discovery are tremendous. Most current law is stifled by National Boundaries... International Law being a prime exception, but the potential for precedent setting cases in the field of the Internet is in it's infancy. More and more major companies are becoming world level organizations, multi-national in nature. Expanding onto the internet is a natural step. When companies start trading ideas as well as commerce more crossing of legal boundaries is bound to occur, much as the internet gambling situation has. Companies will be angling for financial "edges", copyrights, and advantages which is normal in a Capitalist economy, and regulations are bound to follow out of necessity. The "revelation" of these needs are just becoming evident, so the field is in it's infancy. A lawyer looking for a steady paycheck in an increasingly competitive letigious society will be able to write theri own ticket and establish themselves potentially as an expert in the field which will be very attractive to CEOs in many fields. Just a thought for consideration. Basic Torts, Contract, and International Law studies would be a must... then "specialize' as opportunities dictate.
Gary’s Answer
You have a good answer above. I will add that you will take a lot of courses in law while in college, I think this will help you decide where your interests are and what type of lawyer you want to be.
Enjoy the college and learning journey! :)
Good luck!
Margaret’s Answer
The Boston Bar Foundation has a Summer Jobs Program for Boston public high school students.
You can find out more information at: