how does someone make connections / network effectively in their field of interest? #networking
how does someone make connections / network effectively in their field of interest? #networking
3 answers
Amruta’s Answer
If something interests you, then make sure to be passionate about that career field. Make sure to smile as a first gesture towards people whom you want to get connected to as first impression is the best impression. Be kind. Be communicative. Check for common interests in people whom you want to connect to and then you can discuss those topics and leave a good impression. Always be positive towards people.
Hope this will be helpful. Thanks.
Austin’s Answer
This is a great questions that is often ignored. Often, people think networking consists of wearing your business clothes and talking to people over food and drink...this is not always the case. Sure there are times where networking takes this form, but more often than not networking is merely the human connections that you make everyday. By being close to one of your professors, this is networking. Your professors know LOTS of people and often have great leads or insight into a future career. If you get a few internships, these people (if you are close) will often be there for you should you reach out and ask a question. There was an old coworker of mine from an old internship that I had and he helped me out 1.5 years after the internship ended! Never burn a bridge if you think you won't need them in the future, you really never know who may be able to help you down the line.
Also, think about all the people in your classes. If you are in a small specialized class, these people most likely share your interests and will pursue a career in the same field of study that you are. These classmates area great resource when it comes to find a job, answer a question, help with an internship opportunity, and help with a homework question. Create lasting relationships so that you may be able to call on them in your time of need, because believe it or not everyone has a time of need where they need help.
I hope this helps and feel free to ask me follow-up questions should you have any.
sathiskumar’s Answer
say u want to read book visit to the library and there u may find like minded people
become member of sites like stack-overflow