Recommendations for my major?
I'm interested in physical therapy and speech pathology, but I also love anything history related. What's something I could major in that includes both the medical field and/or history? #medical-practice #american-history
2 answers
Martha Cecile’s Answer
Isn't history about what motivated people to act, and how their actions affected those around them? Forensic pathology, which combines psychology, theorism, probability, physiology, and medical pathology might be the field for you! One may participate as technician, nurse, or physician. I saw this bumper sticker in Denton, Texas: "I'm a forensic nurse - what's your super power?" Check it out by visiting your local medical examiner's office, meeting the personnel, asking them what they like about their jobs. (I was particularly touched when a local forensic nurse described her role in evaluating possible suicide scenes, carefully interviewing family members, tenderly communicating outcomes, nudging survivors towards counseling for their self-preservation and prevention of reactive suicide.)