How can colleges ask us to have an intended major when we are all 17 and 18?
Its a great big world out there, and making us decide what we want to be before we are ready. #insane #I am too young
5 answers
Kimberly’s Answer
Sheila’s Answer
You question is valid. Choose a major that you're interested in and research the colleges that offer that major. Review the core curriculum in the event you may decide to change your major later. . . Best of luck to you!
~ Sheila
Daniel’s Answer
Yeah insane is right. Although they make it seem like they want you to have a major in mind, they really are just trying to place you in the right school (For example if you pick accounting that lets them know you're interested in business..So theyll put you in the business school). Once you get to the college of your choosing though you can switch to whatever major you want. I personally had no clue what i wanted to major in, and almost no one i know had any clue. But, once you get there and start taking classes you eventually figure out what suits you best, it just happens. Once you do figure it out you can easily switch to your desired major. Your first year is mostly basic classes anyways like math, writing, science etc. Don't feel any pressure at all to pick a major, just do whatever seems to fit you best for now and you'll figure it out come sophomore or junior year!
My personal suggestion is business, its very open and even if you end up choosing something like science it will be helpful.