About Information technology
After 12th i m taking IT .. So what types of job r there ? Is it includes lots of programming or not. ?? Reply me fast #it
3 answers
Shreeraj’s Answer
Your question is quite broad but let me help. If you take do engineering in IT like i did, you would spend say 60% time learning new coding languages and learning technical stuff. in terms of getting a job, most of us started out as programmers initially but later on (say 3 years or so) we transitioned into a more functional role in our domain (in my case SAP). Coding language would help you even as a functional consultant.
Thomas’s Answer
Well, let me start by telling you that Information Technology is a good career choice because there's so much that you can do with this career. I think you should ask yourself, what do you want to do with Information Technology? Do you want to fix computers, develop applications, for engineer solutions? I remember when I started that I wanted to be help desk, a person who was going to sit and help people fix their computers over the phone. Then one way, I decided I wanted to Fix computers and do enterprise support. Then eventually I wanted to move to cloud infrastructure. So don't be afraid to move around and learn new things. The more you learn the more you'll discover different thing that we can do.
Thomas recommends the following next steps:

Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hello Gudda,
The field of information technology (IT) covers the design, administration and support of computer and telecommunications systems. Some of the positions in this field include database and network administrators, computer support specialists, computer scientists, software programmers and system analysts. The majority of career tracks in IT entail design and operational tasks related to computer hardware components, networks and software applications.
Career Options
-Software developers create and write programming code for computer applications and hardware. This may include operating systems, business productivity software, Web functionality tools, video games and device drivers. Developers could take a concept from planning and design through to its final testing and implementation.
Network engineers are primarily responsible for the design and implementation of computer and telecommunications networks. Administrators typically support and maintain existing local area and wide area networks (LANs and WANs). This includes both intranet and Internet communications and server maintenance. Some degree of ongoing troubleshooting and system design adjustment is inherent in a network administrator position. Administrators also monitor an organization's network security and develop preventive strategies against hackers.
Computer scientists innovate, develop and design new computer hardware and devices. These professionals may specialize in one component of hardware, such as processors, modems, routers or motherboards. While computer scientists often work with a team of internal test users and engineers, they typically have little to no contact with the end users of the products they develop.
I think this link can help you: http://study.com/directory/category/Computer_Sciences/Computer_and_Information_Sciences,_General/Information_Technology.html
Good Luck!!!!!
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