If I become a video game tester, would I get a high or low wage?
Because I really enjoy video games and I would like it if I got a job that I can have fun with and live off it too. #video-game-design
2 answers

Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hi Jeremy,
QA testing is generally considered an entry-level position in the game industry. Most companies do not require a college degree to be hired as a game tester. But if you do get a degree, then you have a much better chance of moving into higher-paying jobs in QA, or moving into other areas of game development like art, design or programming. To be honest, those other jobs almost always pay a lot more than a job as a tester. So if you want to have a career in the game industry and not just a job then it’s smart to get an education.
In fact, many of the testers I’ve known over the years were working as testers so they could pay their way through college. They would work part time while they went to school, or even full time while they took classes in the evenings. (Many colleges have “evening degree” programs for working professionals.) Then, after they got their degrees, they got a new job, sometimes at the same studio, doing what they went to school for – like art, programming or design. And you can bet they also got a healthy pay increase.
In this link you can find some questions with answers on this career. It's worth to take a read:
Good work!
Eliott’s Answer
It really depends on the company. There is a well known studio that rhymes with shearfox located near me that pays testers $10/hr but at ID we were paid $15/hr. We were told that this is not typical though and most studios would not honor that amount typically.