Do you think college is important to be successful?
I feel that once you get a job you only focus on paying off college.
13 answers
Robert’s Answer
I have a four degree that I never used but it’s good to have as a back up plan. Some employers will only hire college graduate. I strongly feel that it’s not important to have a degree to be successful.
Robert’s Answer
Certainly college is an important step to be successful in many different career paths. It can be especially important in fields where a degree is necessary. Also, it can be a factor that helps give you an edge in a career path where it is not a requirement. However, college is not necessarily for schools are not usitlizeds often as they could be. One can lead a very happy life without a college degree. Find something you love and be great at it!
Vijay’s Answer
Not really, if you know what you want to do in life and the path to reach your goal. Than not required to be in college.
uma’s Answer
In some aspects, college is important to be successful. But even if you end up studying in an average college,it doesn't really matter!!
It all boils down to your knowledge and understanding in the field that you have chosen. Most of the companies nowadays have lowered down the minimum percentage required for applications.
But studying in a good college will give you a wide number of opportunities whereas in the other case you will have to struggle a little to prove your self. But, you will get enough chances. I can say this from my personal experience.
Always strive to become a better version of yourself and no one can stop you.
Holly’s Answer
-the degree is not the most important part, you can be successful without college, but it is important see some thoughts below:
-college keeps you occupied, a good bridge between high school and your career
-make connections, get to know people
-learn about yourself, who you are as an individual
-good time management, development, and skills that will help you in a future career
-meet people from different places & backgrounds
-you don't need to decide your major, or know what you want to do on the first day
-it is OK to go to a community college, you don't have to go to the most expensive school
Prisilla’s Answer
Not always is college important to be successful. However it depends on what job you really want to do. I work as a asset manager for a huge company and I do not have a degree , but I do have a real estate license and this helped me to get my job. In today’s world you can get a great job with out a degree.
Redden’s Answer
Amy’s Answer
Not necessarily. I had taken some college courses, but did not finish. I started my career with an entry level position at a company with potentials for a promotion. I worked hard, asked a lot of questions and learned from every opportunity I was given. I was promoted about 5 times at the same company in an 11-year span and eventually had built a resume that allowed me to move onto a larger company. I love my job and my salary is same as my co-workers that have college degrees. I've learned that it's the value I bring to the table not a having a degree that counts.
Steve’s Answer
High School diploma is essential to success. College is important, possibly required for the licensed professions. However, hundreds of well paying jobs are available to skilled workers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, computer programmers, etc that don't "require" degrees. A degree will help develop skills and enhance promotion opportunities as one gains experience. Find an interest and do what you love. Loving what you do makes it lot easier to put in the effort whether college is involved or not.
Lewis’s Answer
College is important to your success. However, work ethic and attitude will lead to successful career.
Juliana’s Answer
Hi Taylor!!
Really nice question!!
For me, college is important when you want to be a doctor, nurse, engineer, some profession that require a specific knowledge.
For sure you can be successful without a college. You can have your own company for example.
Van’s Answer
Amy’s Answer
Hi Taylor! i believe it helps specifically when you try to get into a job for a company, or specific like doctor, but there are so many examples of entrepreneurs that they are just good in what they do and are successful.
Also, there are a lot of people I have met that major in something and end up doing something else but are completely successful, so I will said as long as you are motivated, believe in something and work really hard you are ok!