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What would be a good way to start a product?

I recently started 8th grade, i'm also in VIL stem camp and i want to do more with my project. But i'm not sure how to? Or what would be the best way? #creative

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Rahul’s Answer

One of the first and most crucial things that you need to think about is the problem that you are trying to solve with your product. After you have thought about the problem then you might need to ask this important question are people willing to give you money to solve their problem? And the way you get this answer is by talking to a few people who might be facing this problem and might be your potential customers. Such customer-facing interviews are very valuable in understanding the market for your product.

According to me, these are the two most important steps in your product launch journey. It helps not only get a deeper understanding of the problem and the market but at the same time creates a strong foundation on which you can start building your product idea.
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G. Mark’s Answer

Starting a new product is one of the greatest adventures you can have. And the reason is that the very, very first part of a project like that is to find a problem to solve. Cool thing is that there is no shortage of problems. Your challenge will be to find one that 1) is important and valuable enough to solve 2) that you have a viable solution for and 3) is interesting and fun enough for you to be really dedicated to pursuing it.

Next -- and this is something that a lot of folks forget, ignore, or are unwilling to give it the attention it deserves -- you should start to put together what's called a "Business Plan". A Business Plan is what you, your co-workers, investors and, in some cases, your customer will use to understand what it is you're doing and why it's important enough for them to care.

The first thing a Business Plan covers is a brief description of the problem you're solving or the need you're filling. It should explain why solving it is important, why your solution is correct and valuable, and why now is the right time. You should also describe your market -- i. e., your customers or clients. Howe big is the market? What do you hope to achieve?

Next you'll want to begin describing how your business will work. Who's involved? Who else do you need? What's special about what you're doing and who will also be involved.

You'll likely need investors. You may be using your own money. Maybe relatives or friends' money. You may get outside investors. And to convince other folks to help you out with money or other resources, such as land, people, materials, etc., the Business Plan is usually critical.

A Business Plan also has a timeline. What will you do? When? What are your milestones? What are your financing targets? In other words, how do you measure your success?

You'll start out with a very general Business Plan and add details as you learn more. You may change your mind on some items as you learn more or as conditions change. Remember that you must monitor the conditions of business, what people you'll interact with, and how their needs change. You don't want to do a great job building something that people no longer want or need.

Lastly, you'll need contingency plans. You'll have a lot of details about what you want to do, but you may have to change direction in the middle of things. Or you may even decide that your project should just be cancelled instead of investing more money and time for a purpose that no longer exists.

The good news is that whatever happens, you'll be learning along the way. It's a great adventure. And whatever you learn will come in handy again.