What's wrong with public wifi?
I want to know why public wifi doesn't work. #tech
3 answers
Oren’s Answer
Public Wi-Fi poses some serious risks from hackers. What makes free Wi-Fi hotspots desirable for us as individuals also makes them useful for hackers.
The most significant threat is for hackers to be in between the data on your device and the hotspot you are transmitting data to. Being in the middle allows hackers to see: emails, credit card information, usernames/passwords, etc. It's also possible for hackers to implant malware via Wi-Fi hotspots.
Oren recommends the following next steps:
Aric’s Answer
As stated by the others, security is the biggest concern when using public wifi. If you were to login to your email or bank accounts while on a pulic wifi network that has been hacked, those same hackers will have access to your passwords, personal accounts, etc...
There are ways to protect yourself while on public wifi, one popular solution is to use a VPN or Virtual Private Network service. Google 'free vpn', download and use this anytime your using public wifi and hackers will have a much harder time accessing your personal information.
pat’s Answer
Public wifi is not secure, easly to hack