3 answers
Vikshith’s Answer
A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.

Paul A Coulter
Paul A’s Answer
Are you asking about how to be a mean advocate or what does being an advocate mean?
Being a mean advocate would shorten one's career fast.
Being an advocate for a cause would probably be some one with strong feelings or passionate about some subject, species, social issues and loves pushing, pressing, encouraging others to get on board with him or her on the topic of interest.
Sandhya’s Answer
Hi Harithana,
Thankyou for your question.
I am assuming that you want to know who an advocate is in a court.
Court Advocates attend hearings with clients to inform clients about the process, act as a form of support, process the outcome of the hearing afterward, and safety plan.
As per definition:
Advocate on Record is an advocate who is entitled under the Order IV of the Supreme Court of India Rules, 1966, framed under Article 145 of the Constitution, to act as well as to plead for a party in the Supreme Court of India.
All the best
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