What is the Salary of an Elementary School teacher?
I want to know the salary of an elementary school teacher. #teacher #education #teaching #money
2 answers
Ben’s Answer
The salary of an elementary school teacher may vary from state to state. In Michigan, it looks like the average salary of an elementary school teacher is around $50,000. At the beginning of your teaching career, you would be making closer to $35,000. Elementary school teachers can make as much as $65,000 - $75,000 by the end of his/her career. Over time, you will get raises and bonuses for staying at the school, along with good performance reviews. Another upside of this job is that you get time off during the summer, while most jobs do not have this kind of scheduled time off.
Here are a few websites I referred to for this information:
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Elyse H.’s Answer
There are always ways to make more money as a teacher (tutoring, standardized testing scoring and proctoring and summer camp jobs are a few good ones).
One of the realities about elementary school teaching though is you’re going to have to invest a chunk of money setting up your classroom. Hopefully, you’ll get some money from school, but even in the wealthy district I taught in I had to use my own money to fill the bookshelves, create comfy reading nooks, decorate the walls, provide manipulative for learning centers, special art projects, etc etc
As I’m sure you’ve heard, most people don’t go into teaching for the money. I left the profession after two years for numerous reasons, but if you stick with it you could get a decent salary. A very good friend of mine has been teaching for about 20 years and is making over $100,000 and gets great benefits and a pension.
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