14 answers
how hard is computer networking/coding?
i like computers a lot and was just wondering how hard this stuff is, i know quite a bit. #computer-science
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14 answers
Ryan’s Answer
Computer networking and coding are complex subjects, but if you are passionate about them then you can succeed in the industry. These topics bring up lots of tough problems that require persistence to solve. Before I entered college with a major in computer science, I took an entry-level programming course online to see if it was for me and I'd recommend you do the same! Some of the best free, online resources with programming classes I've used are codecademy.com and udacity.com.
Somil’s Answer
Coding can be easy/ hard depending on your aptitude. How good are you in solving problems? Logical reasoning? Puzzles?
Are you good at providing step-by-step instructions to someone to do a particular task?
Think about a simple problem like arranging objects in a line ordered by their size. How will you go about solving this problem. What will be the first step? Which object will you check for its size first? To which object will you compare it?
The problem may seem trivial at first, but explaining it to someone who only understand basic instructions like,
- pick up an object
- check its size
- compare size of two objects
- put object at location
may prove to be difficult. Say, if you are dealing with a hundred objects.
Computer understands only basic instructions, through programming, we teach a computer how to solve complex problems. The instructions have to be crystal-clear and in a language that a computer understands.
Once you get a hang of it, programming is fun. It's like a universe where you are the GOD. You decide rules, you decide what can and cannot happen. You can use it to solve your problems, automate daily tasks, solve problems which other people are facing.
You can get a taste of what computer programming is by checking out online tutorials on Java/ Python etc. These programming languages are widespread in use and you can get a lot of resources for them.
You may want to check out courses on coursera/ www.learnpython.org to start.
Are you good at providing step-by-step instructions to someone to do a particular task?
Think about a simple problem like arranging objects in a line ordered by their size. How will you go about solving this problem. What will be the first step? Which object will you check for its size first? To which object will you compare it?
The problem may seem trivial at first, but explaining it to someone who only understand basic instructions like,
- pick up an object
- check its size
- compare size of two objects
- put object at location
may prove to be difficult. Say, if you are dealing with a hundred objects.
Computer understands only basic instructions, through programming, we teach a computer how to solve complex problems. The instructions have to be crystal-clear and in a language that a computer understands.
Once you get a hang of it, programming is fun. It's like a universe where you are the GOD. You decide rules, you decide what can and cannot happen. You can use it to solve your problems, automate daily tasks, solve problems which other people are facing.
You can get a taste of what computer programming is by checking out online tutorials on Java/ Python etc. These programming languages are widespread in use and you can get a lot of resources for them.
You may want to check out courses on coursera/ www.learnpython.org to start.
Abhishek’s Answer
If you like working with computers, then it's only the will and eagerness which will move you into a zone where you would feel it's not difficult or hard.
Bonnie’s Answer
Hi Somil
The best way to find out if you have a passion for computer science is to try it—I did. I took an Introduction to Programming Nanodegree course through Udacity’s online program and I was able to work actual projects that resulted in an actual APP.
Visit Udacity.com and try some of their free online courses. Immerse yourself in the experience!
The best way to find out if you have a passion for computer science is to try it—I did. I took an Introduction to Programming Nanodegree course through Udacity’s online program and I was able to work actual projects that resulted in an actual APP.
Bonnie recommends the following next steps:
Narendrakumar’s Answer
Hello Somil,
I'm a Computer Science && Engineering Graduate, but not great at coding. Didn't enjoy it as much.
I'm in the field of Computer Networking for over 12+years.
If you would like to understand the degree of difficulty of computer Networking, it depends from person to person.
For me "Jeremy Cioara ccna CBT nuggets" is where it all started. During the initial days when I was in search of a career, I came across those videos and I liked it. Downloaded free utilities like Packet tracer and tried out several scenarios myself, enjoyed it. Cisco had some games that taught Networking and helped reinforce learnings. It made stuff even more fun,
Overall, This didn't take more than 2 weeks for me to try and decide that I will make a careen in Networking.
I would strongly urge you to spend a couple of weeks with such resources and figure out if this stuff is for you. If you like it, pursue it.
Same applies to Computer programming. Try "Charles Severance - Python for Everybody", who teaches programming basics in lay man terms.
Again, each of these should not take you more than 2-3weeks to try and most of them are free. Do spend time to experiment and decide if this is for you.
More you like it, the deeper your understanding will be. Deeper your understanding, the more complex problems you will be able to solve. Higer the complexity of the problem you solve, better the job satisfaction and pay cheques end of month :) .
Wish you the best.
Complete CCNA CBT nuggets by Jeremy or Equivalent.
Complete Charles Severance - Python for Everybody
I'm a Computer Science && Engineering Graduate, but not great at coding. Didn't enjoy it as much.
I'm in the field of Computer Networking for over 12+years.
If you would like to understand the degree of difficulty of computer Networking, it depends from person to person.
For me "Jeremy Cioara ccna CBT nuggets" is where it all started. During the initial days when I was in search of a career, I came across those videos and I liked it. Downloaded free utilities like Packet tracer and tried out several scenarios myself, enjoyed it. Cisco had some games that taught Networking and helped reinforce learnings. It made stuff even more fun,
Overall, This didn't take more than 2 weeks for me to try and decide that I will make a careen in Networking.
I would strongly urge you to spend a couple of weeks with such resources and figure out if this stuff is for you. If you like it, pursue it.
Same applies to Computer programming. Try "Charles Severance - Python for Everybody", who teaches programming basics in lay man terms.
Again, each of these should not take you more than 2-3weeks to try and most of them are free. Do spend time to experiment and decide if this is for you.
More you like it, the deeper your understanding will be. Deeper your understanding, the more complex problems you will be able to solve. Higer the complexity of the problem you solve, better the job satisfaction and pay cheques end of month :) .
Wish you the best.
Narendrakumar recommends the following next steps:
Jeff’s Answer
It's not difficult but is a skill that takes some time to learn. I recommend coding games to get started. If you like it, keep going!
Jatin’s Answer
There is nothing like easy or difficult in this, it all depends how you will take it and how much passionate you are. There is always n number of solutions for every problem, it all depends on the way you approach it. In addition to it you have luxury of having multiple coding languages you can learn and code.
Giselle’s Answer
Hello lawton,
Good question! I know the idea that computers and coding being difficult deters a lot of people, but I want to re-assure you. For me, the hardest part of my job right now is being able to visualize abstract concepts and fit them into a mental model of what the programs or services are doing. In terms of CS classes, I won't lie, some of them are tough! Data structures and Algorithms were really hard and gave me the most doubt in myself.
For reference, I'm going back to school for Computer Science and work in Technical Support at a software company. My job is difficult, but it's also incredibly fulfilling because I get to learn something new every day! The things that were once hard, get easier and before you know it you're going from simple 'hello world' programs to complex projects! So my advice is don't let something being hard scare you away because if it's something you're interested in, you'll do great and it will be well worth it! :)
Good luck!
Good question! I know the idea that computers and coding being difficult deters a lot of people, but I want to re-assure you. For me, the hardest part of my job right now is being able to visualize abstract concepts and fit them into a mental model of what the programs or services are doing. In terms of CS classes, I won't lie, some of them are tough! Data structures and Algorithms were really hard and gave me the most doubt in myself.
For reference, I'm going back to school for Computer Science and work in Technical Support at a software company. My job is difficult, but it's also incredibly fulfilling because I get to learn something new every day! The things that were once hard, get easier and before you know it you're going from simple 'hello world' programs to complex projects! So my advice is don't let something being hard scare you away because if it's something you're interested in, you'll do great and it will be well worth it! :)
Good luck!
Hunter’s Answer
I didn't start programming until my second semester of college. I was a Mechanical Engineering major and took Intro to C Programming as an elective to fill my schedule. I had my first class on a Tuesday and on Wednesday I switched my major to Computer Science.
That class, to this day, was one of the hardest classes i've taken. It was only one of the only classes that felt IMMEDIATELY rewarding. Every bit of knowledge was useful and left me wanting to learn more. I was also able to take what i learned in class and actually DO it when I got home on my computer. I was learned by creating, not by memorization.
So yes, the introduction to coding can be intimidating, but if you enjoy learning by doing, creating, and hands on application then you should have no trouble finding and keeping the motivation to learn.
That class, to this day, was one of the hardest classes i've taken. It was only one of the only classes that felt IMMEDIATELY rewarding. Every bit of knowledge was useful and left me wanting to learn more. I was also able to take what i learned in class and actually DO it when I got home on my computer. I was learned by creating, not by memorization.
So yes, the introduction to coding can be intimidating, but if you enjoy learning by doing, creating, and hands on application then you should have no trouble finding and keeping the motivation to learn.
Tristan’s Answer
i like computers a lot and was just wondering how hard this stuff is, i know quite a bit. computer-science
Let me offer two small pieces of advice that will help you significantly, should you choose to pursue CS:
1) If you love computers, data, etc, Go for it. Don't let any daunting topics deter you. Remove the concept of "hard" from your list of deciding factors for careers/study, as successful people in this world will always be challenged every day, despite what field they're in.
2) Also let go of the concept of measuring how much you know or don't know. Far too many people get into engineering only to get discouraged shortly after for feeling like they don't know enough to succeed. This is a barrier that not enough new people get help over. Engineering is a field of solving problems that don't have answers so, if you feel like you don't know enough, you're doing it right. Don't be afraid to fail a few times!
It's about how you solve problems, and the skills and tools you'll learn in engineering allow you to solve anything. I can't recommend it enough.
Find programs that can get you involved in Computing.
Find blogs/communities where discussions occur on these topics. Reddit works plenty well!
Stay humble, and fearless.
Find mentors that can provide more consistent advice than I.
Let me offer two small pieces of advice that will help you significantly, should you choose to pursue CS:
1) If you love computers, data, etc, Go for it. Don't let any daunting topics deter you. Remove the concept of "hard" from your list of deciding factors for careers/study, as successful people in this world will always be challenged every day, despite what field they're in.
2) Also let go of the concept of measuring how much you know or don't know. Far too many people get into engineering only to get discouraged shortly after for feeling like they don't know enough to succeed. This is a barrier that not enough new people get help over. Engineering is a field of solving problems that don't have answers so, if you feel like you don't know enough, you're doing it right. Don't be afraid to fail a few times!
It's about how you solve problems, and the skills and tools you'll learn in engineering allow you to solve anything. I can't recommend it enough.
Tristan recommends the following next steps:
saurabh’s Answer
As I understand, you want to know the difference between computer networking and coding.
I am in computer networking and can tell you it was not easy when I started but as I grow with my experience it becomes easier.
I am trying to lean to code from past 5 years but still don't feel comfortable with that as I am not focusing as much as I did on networking.
So choose anyone and if you dedicate yourself for that it will become easier for you in no time.
I am in computer networking and can tell you it was not easy when I started but as I grow with my experience it becomes easier.
I am trying to lean to code from past 5 years but still don't feel comfortable with that as I am not focusing as much as I did on networking.
So choose anyone and if you dedicate yourself for that it will become easier for you in no time.
Ateeb’s Answer
Networking is going through a long overdue transition to software defined networking, which broadens the complexity of "traditional" networking by factoring in security rather than treating it a separate discipline.
Lance’s Answer
Short answer is that it's going to be based on experience. If you wrote a code and see an error for the first time. You might be confused on what the error really means. It's frustrating at first. But once you solved that problem, you will always remember the solution and the next time you encounter that problem, you can fix it in a snap. The more problems you encountered and fix the easier coding will be.
Nilay’s Answer
Hard work is required to learn everything.
If you are passionate about learning computer you will be able to do it.
But hard work and persistence is the key.
If you are passionate about learning computer you will be able to do it.
But hard work and persistence is the key.