Can you play sports, join a sorority, and be in ROTC all at the same time?
I am asking this question because I want to run track in college, but I also want to join a sorority. If i do not get a full scholarship in track I want to join ROTC to pay for my tuition. I know that all of these things take up alot of time, but I just want to know if its possible. #united-states-navy #collegiate-athlete #student-athletes
2 answers

Rico Malebranche
Rico’s Answer
It is certainly possible. It all comes down to time management and setting priorities. At times you will have to make tough decisions. Have no doubt you will be very busy. Make sure your coaches, your sorority sisters and ROTC instructors know what you are dealing with and ALWAYS try to decflict conflicts prior to them coming up. Best of luck!