i m interested in computer so i want to study computer engineering but i dont no about computer engineer subjects please tell me
to become computer engineer
3 answers
Wael’s Answer
Kaneez, I am not a computer engineer and I can't tell you how it is like. However, I advise you to check Wikipedia! Just Google "computer engineering wiki." From there you would have the basic understanding that you could narrow your search upon. The internet is a great tool. You found us and I am sure you find much more.
sumeet’s Answer
Hi kaneez,
To become a computer engineer you need to do a bachelors degree in computers and learn programming languages
once you have the degree you can join reputed mnc's as a computer engineer
best of luck :)
Ayan’s Answer
Compulsory Subjects :-
Engineering Management
Data Structures
Programming Languages
Pulse and Digital Circuits
Computer Architecture
Systems Analysis and Design
Optional Subjects
(Any three from any one group)
Group I ------ Computer Applications
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Computer Networks
Operating Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Database Management Systems
Group II ------ Hardware Engineering
Parallel Processing
Computer Networks
Operating Systems
Computer Graphics
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Group III ------ Information Technology
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Computer Graphics
Software Engineering
And Finally..........
Project Work and Laboratory Experiments