2 answers
What is the average salary of a nurse practitioner?
#college #nurse
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2 answers
Elke’s Answer
There are several sources of information you can use, in order to find out what the average salary is for a nurse practitioner. One of these sources is called the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), which you can find at this website: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/
This is a government website that describes many occupations (jobs/careers) that people have in the U.S. It provides a lot of detail about what type of work is involved, what kind of education and training you need to get into the field, how much money people make in that job, and what the outlook is like (how many jobs will be available in the future).
According to the OOH, nurse practitioners in May 2019 (the latest research) made $109,820. That was the median annual salary, which means that half of them made more than that, and the other half made less. It's kind of like "average" but a little bit different.
There are many salary websites that provide information on salaries for different jobs. One of those websites is called Payscale. According to them, nurse practitioners make an average of $92,792.
Something to think about are the other ways you get paid, through benefits, bonuses, overtime, shift differentials (that means working a shift that may not be popular, like the middle of the night). Also, you might get paid more or less depending on which state you live in. There are many factors to consider when it comes to salary.
This is a government website that describes many occupations (jobs/careers) that people have in the U.S. It provides a lot of detail about what type of work is involved, what kind of education and training you need to get into the field, how much money people make in that job, and what the outlook is like (how many jobs will be available in the future).
According to the OOH, nurse practitioners in May 2019 (the latest research) made $109,820. That was the median annual salary, which means that half of them made more than that, and the other half made less. It's kind of like "average" but a little bit different.
There are many salary websites that provide information on salaries for different jobs. One of those websites is called Payscale. According to them, nurse practitioners make an average of $92,792.
Something to think about are the other ways you get paid, through benefits, bonuses, overtime, shift differentials (that means working a shift that may not be popular, like the middle of the night). Also, you might get paid more or less depending on which state you live in. There are many factors to consider when it comes to salary.
keonna’s Answer
In Texas, from the low 90s, to an upward of 130k