3 answers
How long do I have to go to college for it?
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3 answers
Sharon’s Answer
Four years for your undergraduate degree. You should major in one of the following degree programs, Biology, Chemistry or Physiology. You will then need to complete four years in medical school. Finally you will need to do a 3- 7 years residency in your field of interest.
brigid’s Answer
You are able to get a 2 year degree (associates in respiratory care) or a 4 year degree (bachelors in respiratory care), which hospitals tend to prefer, however an associates degree is still good! Once you complete an accredited program you will need to take the TMC exam (the national board exam). You can take this exam and get what is called a “low-cut score” which will get your CRT (certified respiratory therapist) or a “high-cut score”. If you get a high cut score, you will be eligible to take the second portion of the national exam, the CSE, and if you pass it, you will get your RRT (registered respiratory therapist). If you want to specialize in something like neonatal/pediatrics or adult critical care, you will need your RRT to be certified in that specialty. All of this is very doable and the career is worth it!
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Sarah’s Answer
To become an RT takes about two years, an associate's degree. You can take your certification test to become a CRTT (certified respiratory therapy technician) first then work up to taking your RRT (registered respiratory therapist) certification. Some hospitals even offer an advanced training program that can get you your certificates and associates degree in 15 months, so long as you've taken certain prerequisites; they even pay you while your doing the training. It's very competitive but so worth it. Not many universities have RT programs so you have to look for universities that do. It's a great career!